Today I received this letter. This “Scientology” concern has sent me literature for a long time. Being a protestant I am not in agreement with their church plan, but they do seem to be doing a constructive work which shows promise of possibly greatly benefiting humanity. I feel convinced they are not in approval of un-American activity. I hope you will check on the consistency of their attack by a government agency. Thank you very much!
- Cover letter from The Founding Church of Scientology (no date)
- What is the Founding Church of Scientology? (no date)
- A Second Statement by L. Ron Hubbard (6 January 1963)
- Letter from [?] to President J. F. Kennedy (no date)
- Statement by Founding Church of Scientology Washington, D. C. (5 January 1963)
- A Statement by L. Ron Hubbard for the Press (5 January 1963)