1003 S. Orange Grove Ave.
Pasadena, 2, Calif.1
March 18, 1946The Adjudications Officer
Veterans Administration
Los Angeles, 25, Calif.Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of an award of disability compensation or pension, service connected, which awards me $11.50 from February 17th, 1946. My file number is C-7017422.
I wish to enter an appeal from the findings, in consideration of the fact that my disability was of retirement status, prior to the time I was released from Naval Service. I have lost between sixty and eighty per cent of my vision, and as my profession is that of writer, my present inability to read or use my eyes seriously affects my income. I cannot work either long hours or under the slightest adverse conditions.
My income at the present time, due entirely to service connected injuries, is zero.
Would you please advise me as to the steps I should take to gain further pension?
In addition to this, it is my understanding that an officer of the Navy, when awarded a pension, is entitled to retirement pay, and may enter a plea for that pay. If this is true, I would like to enter such an appeal and receive my retirement pay.
Sincerely yours,
L. Ron Hubbard
- Hubbard then resided at the Agapé Lodge, home of Jack Parsons. ↩
- From Sex and Rockets:
In April 1946, after the second part of the Babalon Working, Ron left with Betty and $10,000 of the company’s money. Later that month Parsons started to think they had cheated him. He threatened to chase them, but a call to Hubbard soon calmed him down. Astrologer and initiate Louis Culling overheard the call and couldn’t believe the formerly angry Parsons could so easily be swayed. Parsons ended the call with, “I hope we shall always be partners, Ron,” a comment that made Culling cringe.
Culling wrote to Karl Germer on May 12, “As you may know by this time, Brother Jack signed a partnership agreement with this Ron and Betty whereby all money earned by the three for life is equally divided between the three. As far as I can ascertain, Brother Jack has put in all of his money…meanwhile, Ron and Betty have bought a boat for themselves in Miami for about $10,000 and are living the life of Riley, while Brother Jack is living at rock bottom, and I mean rock bottom…” Carter, J. (1999). Sex and Rockets The Occult World of Jack Parsons. Venice, California: Feral House. ↩