L. Ron Hubbard
January 2, 1958
1812 – 19th Street, B. W.
Washington 9, D. C.Dr. Edward U. Condon
Washington University
St. Louis, MissouriMy dear Doctor Condon:
I have read your address before the American Physical Society November 29 in St. Louis. It was a beautiful and appealing address. Few of us in science today are escaping claw marks and I have had seven years of my share. America has often tried to kill those who have helped her. Thus I am emboldened to propose an idea.
Sixty-four or more scientists who contributed well to U. S. defense have been ousted from the government. There are more than this number who have been dismayed and rejected. As Ben Franklin said, “Unless we hang together, we’ll hang separately.” Therefore I propose seriously that we form an “Outcasts Club.”
Because you are in closer touch than I am and probably have the names and addresses of these people, or have them available, could I ask as your task in this, to gather them up and send them to me so that I can send this proposal to them.
This is more than a witty idea. I’ve taken my share of hammering in my own line but I own my own association and have weathered the storm. Further, I have contacts. The president of Cuba is being approached to set aside land, several people will provide funds. An international university could be built which has many sources of revenue and in which a scientist could spend more than half his time on pure research.
As economic stress and unreasonable persecution are not conducive to good scientific work I think things could be made to blossom.
I realize this is an indifferent description of the proposal. Concerning myself, I am a member of The American Rocketry Society, The Explorers Club, was an engineering major at George Washington University in the 30’s who transferred co research in the mind. You may be familiar, I could flatter myself, with my work in Dianetics and Scientology since I have many friends amongst your colleagues.
I would he very happy to have your views on this roughly sketched idea and would appreciate receiving the names and addresses so that I could write them about this. I could get them from the press but you may have an easier compilation.
It’s real calm in Cuba.
C.E., Ph.D.1