[…]Ferrell, Manager
[B]etter Business Bureau of Spokane, Inc.
[]18 Columbia Building
[S]pokane, Washington[D]ear Mr. Ferrell:
Thank you very much for your letter of June 24th inquiring about Walter E. [H]anan of Spokane.
[M]r. Hanan was given an associateship to operate a school of Scientology in [T]ampa, Idaho by Virginia Piggott of Wichita Kansas. This, Miss Piggott was [n]ot authorized to do. However, the organization stood behind the appointment for some time after its establishment. However, Mr. Hanan was never authorized to move to Spokane and was never officially permitted to do so.
[A]bout the organization called “Allied Sciences and Arts”, we have been advised by persons in Spokane who have had positions on the Board of Directors of the Institute of Scientology in Spokane that Allied Sciences and Arts was written into beingness, as you say, simply by being written into the minutes of the Institute of Scientology corporation. For this Mr. Hanan had no authorization whatsoever.
Enclose for your general information two form letters that have been sent [to] our mailing list in the Northwest.
[Pl]ease feel free to inquire further if you have any additional questions. [An] we very much appreciate the interest you indicate in getting the facts [of] this matter.
Hubbard Association of Scientologists
BARBARA BRYAN, Secretary to L. Ron Hubbard
806 North Third Street
Phoenix, ArizonaMay 17, 1954
all friends of Scientology in the Northwest
Dear Friends:
This is to advise you that Walter Hanan and the Institute of Scientology, Inc, [x]17 W. Tenth Avenue, Spokane, Washington and any other groups established by [hi]m are no longer associations of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists and [in] no way whatsoever represent the HAS. Permission to use in the the line of [bus]iness the name of Hubbard and the words Dianetics and Scientology have been [wit]hdrawn as of this date.(continued)
…activities of Mr. Hanan and his staff have failed to concur with the contract he hold with the HAS, and it is felt that the forward movement of Scientology will be materially aided by this action.
805 North Third Street
Phoenix, ArizonaJune 25, 1954
[Th]e following is a list of present professional members of the Hubbard Association Scientologists in the Pacific Northwest:
The following is a list of the present HAS Registered Groups in the Pacific [No]rthwest area:
[In] regard to the “Institute of Scientology” of Spokane, a Mr. Walter Hanan apparently conducted a public fraud. Hanan apparently uses Scientology [to] promote funds into existence. The case of Hanan has been turned over to [ ] attorney for criminal prosecution. The HAS has long since passed the [poi]nt of worrying about unfavorable publicity should it prosecute. Hanan is [bei]ng made an example as to the temper of the HAS where Scientology or certifi[cates] are used to defraud the public.
[..]further complaint about Hanan or forged certificates should be sent to this [..]co.
Pacific Northwest means much to us in Scientology. You will soon see a [..]dy and progressive program there. Its first step is to clear away all [poss]ible barriers, such as Hanan and others, to our program.
[In s]hort, the HAS, having proven Scientology to be the only validated therapy [in] existence; now takes up the problem, with intensity, of getting it reliably [and] ethically practiced. In our formative days we had to tolerate many things. [..]ave today examining boards, we are selecting our associates with care, and [a]re clearing our auditors and training them with vigor and efficiency. We [..] business. We have pushed into nothingness today every outlaw organization [of D]ianetics and Scientology. The HAS knows how to clear and train. It also [kno]ws how to be tough.
[..]we publish those persons in the Pacific Northwest who are on our roles as [pro]fessional members. We may have omitted some names. If so, please inform [us.] We may have included some which should not be there. If so, inform us.
[..]e from Hanan, we know only two other thorough “squirrels” in that area. [..] is Van Wyck in Vancouver, a dismissed agent; the other is Helling in Seattle.
Operation Northwest begins in the public in about a year. It has already [..]n to Scientologists. Before the public campaign can begin every certified [aud]itor bearing any certificates of Dianetics and Scientology must be cleared, [brou]ght into a high level of practice or have his certificate revoked. We are [alre]ady learning we cannot act by halves. At the expense of hurt feelings or [..]city or whatever penalty we might incur, Scientology to go forward, must […] be effective and it [..] be clean. We would rather have a few firm friends on whom we can rely […] a million lukewarm ineffective opportunists. We have raised our level of [respo]nsibility, that is all, and our responsibility is to the general public [..]nsure them of effective practice and high standards of ethics.
L. Ron Hubbard
President, HAS