Your letter of June 30, 1958, with enclosures, has been received. […]
ATTENTION SAC: The Bureau has received numerous citizen inquiries concerning the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International which alleges a new method of curing mental illness that is so radical in its results that it is equivalent to man’s discovery of fire.It has been brought to our attention that Hubbard was accused of being mentally unbalanced by his wife when she sued for divorce.
NOTE: This organization, also known as the Academy of Scientology is subject of Bufile 62-94080. The Writers’ Workshop of New Jersey published the “[…ing] Shift” magazine which was produced largely by CP members. It was highly recommended by “The Worker” by 7-15-51 issue. […]
Letter: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to [?] (July 11, 1958)
File/Ref. No.: 62-94080
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