Your letter of January 22, 1963 and its enclosures have been received. […]
NOTE: […] a New Orleans attorney, requests investigation into alleged denial of the religious freedom based on seizure of “E-meters” by Food and Drug Administration officers who recently raided the Founding Church of Scientology, Washington, D. C. He enclosed a letter addressed to the Director over the signature of […] of the church, which also requests Bureau assistance, and other data including a press release dated 1/5/63, by L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the church. Hubbard alleges the White House has specifically requested a presentation of scientology and that he has offered the President his assistance in narrowing the gap in the space race.
In 1953, we investigated and convictions ensued concerning an incident wherein three of L. Ron Hubbard’s associates assaulted U. S. Marshals attempting to serve a bench warrant on Hubbard in connection with a bankruptcy proceeding in which he was a witness. […] was one of the subjects convicted and her brother advised that although she had been closely associated with Hubbard, she broke off relations with him because she concluded that he is only anxious to accumulate wealth by any means. A former wife has allegedly described Hubbard as hopelessly insane.
According to local newspaper stories, the Food and Drug Administration seized the “E-meters” which were described as lie detectors, on the grounds that they are allegedly promoted as being capable of curing various diseases. No identifiable information concerning […] located in Bureau files.
Letter: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to [?] (January 29, 1963)
File/Ref. No.: 62-94080
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