I’ll give you an idea. We have somebody and we’ve taught him to do what we call a Joburg-a Form 3 Joburg. The reason it’s called a Joburg is because it originated in Johannesburg, South Africa, taken out of the laws of the South African courts which list quite a few crimes. And it was dreamed up there and it didn’t have any name.
We had things we called “Security Checks” and this is, of course, a misnomer. These things have been used for security in the past and it graduated over into processing and hardly anybody has started calling it a processing check. Nobody has called it that, basically because every time they came to America they would have to say processing. And every time they went to England they would have to say processing. And “security” is “security” in both countries. Joke.
Anyway, this is a “Joburg”-is the slang phrase for it, and it’s page after page of, “Have you raped, murdered, burned, shot, stolen, cut the throats of, betrayed, dissected, practiced psychiatry, been a newspaper reporter?” Any crime in the book is listed on this Joburg. The last two pages of it are devoted
to Scientology crimes.You just saw some pulled just now. Those are the high crimes that-well, listen, a pc could have raped, murdered, burned, shot, slain, skinned alive and so forth and still get through. But they can’t have run around their neighborhood telling everybody that the Central Organization was no good and get that much of a case gain. That happens to be fact, not advertising or propaganda. Why? Because they have overts on the thing that will help them, so they can’t take responsibility for the very session they are in. That is the mechanism.
So the last two pages of the Joburg is a trite phrase, a cliche, when you talk of sci-of Security Checks. There’s the Joburg and there’s the last two pages of the Joburg. And an ordinary sentence for an auditor who won’t get withholds off-because we know if he won’t get withholds off, the first thing we know about him is that he has withholds, see, with magnitude. See, obviously he can’t take responsibility for both sides of the auditing session because he’s sitting there, you see, withholding, and the pc is over here and so he can’t be responsible for the pc. See how simple that is?
So we make sure that when he gets processed that he gets himself-and this is the exact sentence- the last two pages of the Joburg and a Form 6. What’s a Form 6? It’s all the mis- horrible handling he has done to pcs anyplace, anywhere. And the last two pages of the Joburg is all of his overts off Scientology. If we do those two things for somebody, he’s all straightened out. Once in a while, we have to go to extremis and we say, “The last two pages of the Joburg and a Form 6 with ‘guilty’ version-with a ‘make guilty’ version.” Now, that’s sort of extremis. Make guilty version.
You find out every once in a while some auditor goes in for the fact, pc gives up a withhold, auditor makes the pc guilty of the withhold. So a Form 6, guilty version, simply is a basis, “Have you ever made a pc guilty of …” not “Have you ever done …” and that’s for every question in it.
You could also run the Joburg with this. You could say, “Have you ever burned down a house?” is the question, you see. And you could say, “Have you a house?” You get almost equal magnitude response.
It isn’t a withhold but it is the setup to have a withhold about burning down houses. And peculiarly in Scientology, here and there, an auditor has set out to make it his business to enforce the morals and mores of the razzle-dazzle temple group of the Marcab Confederacy or something of the sort. And every time a pc gets off a withhold saying he murdered, burned, shot down, didn’t give the right change to the streetcar conductor, why the auditor would sit there and say, “Oh? You realize, don’t you, that that is a crime?”
“Oh, yes, yes.”
It’s just kind of a joke because the fellow is a fine auditor now.
The one lovely thing about Scientology is nobody ever holds your past against you. The past is our business and so nobody holds your past against you. That makes us one of the oddest groups that ever existed because the only reason groups exist here on Earth at the present time is somebody has a record of your past and might be able to hold it against you. So, therefore, you had better stay in line. That is the single mechanism of keeping people in line used here on Earth today.
You don’t want to commit a crime because then you will have a police record and then you won’t be able to get a job. Do you get that rationale? Well, that’s holding your past against you. And, of course, some of these fellows fall from grace.
But this particular chap- he isn’t here today and I shouldn’t be telling stories of school because he’s a fine auditor-he has become since a very fine auditor. The only reason we made way-made a dent in his case was to get the “make guilty” on the-on the Form 6. And this “make guilty” on the Form 6-you see, that’s what you’ve done to pcs – that’s the whole of the Form 6. And “have you made guilty, have you made guilty, have you made guilty …” on every question- was just bang! bang! bang! crash! crash! crash! You know? And instead of, “Have you ever upset the pc’s chair-have you ever kicked a pc’s chair intentionally in a session?” you see, or something like that. “Have you ever made a pc guilty of kicking a chair in a session?” You see. Anything like this, you know. Crash! Crash! Crash! We finally traced it back.
We found out that it wasn’t attributable to Scientology. It was because he had apparently been one of the high officials of the French government during the Terror. He’d evidently been one of Robespierre’s boys. And, of course, he was just carrying it over as a habit pattern. Soon as we got rid of that, bang! Fine auditor. See, he knew what to do. He knew the best thing to do. To enforce the mores of the society, of course, all you had to do was make everybody guilty, then everybody would be good and then everything would run fine.
Except let me call it to your attention that that philosophy has been going forward now for two hundred trillion years and has yet to work well. And I think it’s time somebody held it to question. Now, if I can-if I can coax you forward into the realization (1) that it requires an instrument that will read in order to find, and (2) that it requires a great alertness and a perfection of training in order to do a thorough job, and (3) that it is the highest crime in the world to leave a Sec Check question missed-if I could just leave you those, do you know that Scientology in the United States would go at a much higher velocity than ever before? You would almost not not recognize it with the speed forward that it would make. It is that important.1
- Also see HCOB 5 June 1961 Processes Allowed re Joburg Processing Check versus Joburg Security Check. Vol 6, pp. 200-2004 ↩