Because the truth of the matter is that low on the Tone Scale1 man is recognizing a mockery of the truth which is quite obvious high on the Tone Scale; and this truth high on the Tone Scale is a very simple thing. It simply says, “We’re all in this together. These molecules belong to all of us.” And one isn’t worrying about ownership.
And then he starts down Tone Scale and he decides to go into a co-operative operation in order to keep somebody else from doing something or other, and he’s on his way. And then he goes down to the bottom and somebody begins to bleat around about “brotherly love”; that’s all we need — Christ and brotherly love. Let’s all be MEST. Because that’s where it leads. It doesn’t belong to God and it doesn’t belong to Christ, it belongs to you. Fellow comes along and says, “Belongs to Christ, belongs to God,” and somebody else just disenfranchises you, that’s all.
They say, “Believe in. Have faith in.” The only being that you can have any faith in is you. And if you have some faith in you, you’ll have faith in all mankind. What do you know! If you got high enough up Tone Scale, mankind couldn’t go off the rockers, if just you, all by yourself, got up high enough up Tone Scale. Theoretical, theoretical height.
But when you say, “Have faith in,” it’s synonymous with the statement: “Use the determinism of Ugballa or Throgmagog to determine your geographical location.” Now, do you understand why a preclear or two that’s come to you has spun2 the moment somebody gave him a guardian angel or talked him into Christian Science or something of the sort? This is not a light problem, it’s a dirty trick, real dirty trick. You start it in on little kids like that, they go daffy on you.
Kids — the little kids — the preclear, indoctrinated very early into the Christian church, they’re told, “Have faith in. Have faith in. Have faith in. Have faith in. It isn’t your town. It isn’t your house. It isn’t your doll. It isn’t your family. It all belongs to God! And God is somebody you can’t communicate with. We can prove it because every time you try to communicate with him to ask him to give you a new bicycle, and so forth, why, he just doesn’t answer you at all. So you don’t exist. You’re not even anything with regard to God.”
And this is a big, big operation, but look at the magnitude of the operation in one fell swoop. What a magnificently simple operation for every thetan in this condemned universe to go stumbling around and falling over and considering it’s rough.
The second he says and admits, “These are not my anchor points3, they belong to somebody else,” he immediately is lost. You see? Because the only person that can determine where he is is him.
Now, you think you’re sitting in this room. You are sitting in this room if the molecules composing this room happen to be yours. Then you’re sitting in this room. See what I mean?
But you’re not sitting in this room if the molecules of this room belong to God or the landlord or something else. Follow that? You’re not sitting in this room; you’re just lost with regard to these — these things. Because you’ve got the idea of ownership, see, already, very thoroughly, and if you’ve got the idea of ownership then you say, “Somebody must own these molecules.” That follows. So the second you’ve said, “Somebody must own these molecules and it isn’t me” and you’ve made the whole statement on the thing, you’re lost and you get occluded.4
- Definition: tone scale ↩
- spun: gone crazy. Definition: spinning. ↩
- Definition: anchor points ↩
- Hubbard, L. R. (1953, 26 October). Restimulation of Engrams, Experiences. First American Advanced Indoctrination Course, (1ACC-32).Lecture conducted from Camden, New Jersey. ↩