You know, the between-lives area is one of the cuter engrams on the track. It isn’t described completely in What to Audit. The fact of the matter is, is there was not an entrance into the MEST universe and there isn’t an entrance in the between-lives area anywhere else but in this universe.
The entrance to the MEST universe was a game which was played by a bunch of people on people who were in the universe. And they took people who were in the universe and PDHed them one way or the other, in order to bring them into a belief that they were now being shot into another universe. This game has been played several times. It’ll be something on the order of you going down, traffic cop hits you over the head and tells you you’re now in Chicago, only it’s the same town you were in before. He infers that you have been transported some vast indeterminate distance so as to completely confuse you and make it impossible for you to as-is the game. See how this would work out?
So every once in a while somebody comes up and plays this game and he gives a span of time and space or universe, or a jump of universe which didn’t exist so as to confuse people utterly about the game. Now, we get how to drive a puppy dog nutty. 1951, I was talking about this. You hit him over the head in the living room, knock him colder than ice, then you take him in the kitchen and stand him on his head in the corner. Let him wake up that way. See, there’s something missing.
So, of course, he can’t as-is that section of track. Thus we get the popularity of the engram. People think that they can plot back straight through these engrams – and I thought so too – plot back straight through these engrams and get them arranged, we would finally locate origin of particles. We do, we very definitely do. It’s however a little harder, longer job than we care to undertake today.
Question that could be asked now is, “Why as-is the game?” The only reason you’d as-is the game is you couldn’t make another game out of it. The only reason you’d blow up the playing field is because you weren’t having any fun. If you think nuclear physicists have fun, go meet some sometime. They have fun; the only fun they can indulge in is blowing up everything. I mean, they’ll sit around and think about this. Blow up the government.
If the government only knew of the actual mood and conversational level of physicists when gathered together in polite company the government would be scared. It would be; it would be outraged. It was overhearing conversations amongst them, now and then reported by hearsay and elsewhere, that got rid of sixty-seven of the top nuclear physicists in the government. They weren’t guilty of communistic practices or anything of this sort. They were just advocating the overthrow of the government by force and violence directly without any party line.
They are dangerous men. There is no doubt about it whatsoever because they’re not having any fun. They get disgusted so they say, “Well, let’s just blow the debris all over hell’s half acre and then nobody can discover where it went from or where it came to. And that will be the end of that. Hah! We’ll make the law of conservation of energy work.”
See, as long as you can’t find the origin point of a particle, the law of conservation of energy will hold. The moment that you can find the origin point of a particle in time and space, the conservation of energy does not hold, neither does the conservation of space. This universe would go whooh – that would be the end of that.1
- Hubbard, L.R. (1954, 24 December). Pan-Determinism. Ninth Advanced Clinical Course. Lecture conducted from Phoenix, AZ. ↩