I want to talk to you tonight about a very strange subject–a very, very strange subject: Scientology, its organizations. Now, this is a strange subject: Scientology organizations.
There comes a time in any activity when you have to look forward to the shape of things to come and what they will be. Now, let us envision this as an activity. We do nothing cohesive, everybody just goes his own way, we have no central control of any kind, and people just wander out and process people and so forth; and all of this has into its teeth the combined efforts of people with super-vested interests in making slaves. And that super-combined vested interest then pick us up, one by one, and throw us on the nearest dung heap, and we thereafter find Scientology being practiced with electric shock by the governments.
Now, just look at that, not as necessarily an extreme picture, but one which very well might happen. Now, let’s look at the other side of this picture. The other side of the picture consisting of a well unified, a united Scientology with sufficient international esteem, force and wherewithal, that somebody suddenly decides to use Scientology exclusively to electric shock the Chinese to make them work on the farm and collectivize it all, and we sneeze and they fold up.
Now, Scientology would go the way of many other good things unless some thought is put upon its future. Buddhism went its way, collectively, and actually wound up enslaving people. Bum show. The East, the paralysis of the East, the fatalism of the East, and so forth, are as attributable to Buddhism as to any other single item. I don’t know what Gautama Siddhartha said, but I sure know that people have been saying since, “If you just sat and regarded your navel for enough years and did nothing, you would become part of nirvana.” And nirvana, as far as I can figure out, is the GPM1. Well, just see a picture of it. It looks like a human being surrounded with a lot of little valences. Nirvana. Look at pic–look at a Buddhist picture of nirvana sometime, and you got the GPM–bang.
So, they eventually found out how to put people into the GPM. And all kinds of squirrel, offbeat offshoots like Zen Buddhism, If you know the answer, I hit you; if you don’t know the answer, I hit you; because force is knowingness and never the twain shall be separated.“ Well, isn’t that the way it must be? I don’t know if you’re acquainted with Zen Buddhism, but after you’ve done a tremendous amount of study on the subject, you finally can make up your mind that if you’re hit, you know. That’s the end product.
Now, Lamaism, with ghosts and devils and more GPMs, splintered off from Buddhism, everybody went into apathy, and there it went. Of course, they didn’t have the technology. I just say that very advisably. The East has never known how to do it. That I can tell you out of the depths of my own experience.
I can show you an Indian rope trick, the small boy going up the pole. I can do it. Hypnotize the lot of you; you’d see most anything. Never did any body any good. Anybody wants to dramatize Axiom 10, by all means dramatize Axiom 10. But there’s a point where even that catches up with them. Indian rope trick is mass hypnotism.
The last fun I ever got out of mass hypnotism was hypnotizing the staff of Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington2. I don’t know if I ever told you that story. I needn’t bother to now. But this, this is all nonsense. They didn’t have the technology in the East, they have never had the technology. They knew a few answers. And they all wound up in the soup.
So this is the first time on this planet, certainly–and I think the first time in this universe–when there’s ever been a kickback against the igno rance, when man’s–or sentient beings were capable of bettering themselves without worsening somebody else. Scientology is peculiar and unique. It is the game in which everybody wins. That’s very peculiar. That’s very unique. If somebody were to fight Scientology, and win over Scientology, then every body would lose, including that person.
Now, any time you ascend above the level of games condition and get out of that mire, this other thing takes place. And that’s what we’re looking at. We’re looking at a tremendous amount of force, which is not the kind of force that you put behind bullets and in ballistics. It is the force of reason. It is the force of knowingness. You might say–to use a Scientology phrase–it’s theta.3
- Definition: GPM (Goals-Problem-Mass) ↩
- Wikipedia: Saint Elizabeths Hospital ↩
- Hubbard, L. R. (1962, 9 October). Future Org Trends. Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, (SHSBC-225). Lecture conducted from East Grinstead, Sussex. ↩