I by the way had a, let me tell you a little anecdote. I had a bad experience with this one time. I told the wrong man, I told my father this one time, I got tired of all of his talking about me and money and so forth, he knew nothing about money and he knew nothing about me, been a naval officer all of his life. I was often making a month what he made in a year. I don’t know, the unreality of people is gorgeous. And he told me that once too often and I was just out of hospital, it was at the end of the war, and my temper was rather short. And I turned on him and I said, “Look,” I said, “Don’t go telling me this anymore, I’ve listened to it most of my life and it’s not true,” I said, “Look at yourself. You’ve been making money all of your life, you haven’t got anything to show for it, you spend your money like a drunken sailor. Now, why don’t you make more money?” So he did. He got ahold of my yacht and sold it. And having done that, he sold my ranch, well anyway, he made more money.
So it doesn’t always work that the message goes through straight, but it is the answer, it is the answer. If you have hatted according to policy and not hatted off a lot of squirrel, offbeat actions; if you have made sure that you don’t have using policy to stop; they can do that by the way, by always applying the wrong policy letter. All you’ve got to do is take the policy letter that applies to A and instead of following that, find another one that really doesn’t really apply to A but find something in it that can be construed as to apply to this and they say, “Well, you see we can’t do that.” Policy was designed to tell people things they could do and when it tells them not to do something, it’s trying to put edges on the channel so they won’t go off of it. But what channel? The channel of doing something right. When you say this is a high crime PL it means we’ve had enough of it, it’s been too prevalent, this why is big enough and prevalent enough and has been in the past to become a policy why, so don’t. But that doesn’t stop anybody from going down the main channel.
Now, if a fellow doesn’t know the policy that gives him the main channel and only knows the policy that tells him to stop, then you will get people using policy to stop. Do you follow? There is always policy that tells them how to go on the channel. If they only specialize in stop, that’s terrible. Well, there’s one thing that you must know that any group of thetans can get best agreement on a stop, they will most readily agree on a stop, that’s any group of thetans.
It’s one of the reasons democracies don’t work. That’s what you know as group think . That’s a very funny one and that’s how they all get sort of frozen. If you’re not able to put in the public lines and if you can’t get a student into and out of an org, you know then that you have a group think and it’s a stop think. They don’t know the ways to do things and they’ve only agreed on the ways to stop things. 1
- Hubbard, L. R. (1972-03-06). FNing STAFF MEMBERS – Part I. Establishment Officer Series, (ESTO-11, 7203C06). Lecture given aboard the Apollo. ↩