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LRH [To preclear]: Okay, well, I’ll take you on the track when we have a little more time. Now if your teammates take a note of this, we’re not trying to charge you around into a thousand incidents. Come up to present time. (snaps fingers)
[To audience] There is another way to get a person up to present time I would hate to use and that is to take a policeman’s nightstick and hit the person across the soles of their feet as hard as you can slam them. It generally produces a nerve shock.
If you get somebody stuck in a prenatal area; particularly a psychotic, and he is all curled up asleep, doing the above would throw him up to present time. Because he has a call-back in it he would go right back to the incident again, but you would at least have him in present time for a minute.
It is a very funny thing when people come up to present time, they always expect to be greeted.
Hubbard, L. R. (1950, 10 June). Dianetics: First Lecture Of Saturday Course. Professional Course, (5006C10). Lecture conducted from Elizabeth, New Jersey.