I’ve been looking at where you go every time you die.
I finally found out what this planet is and why life is so loopy.
Now we got some of this back in ’52, dishing it out in intellectually. I had a good intellectual reality on it, we’d talked about the between lives area and we dished all this off the cuff. This is not data which is not unknown to us you see? That isn’t the same as going there! It isn’t the same as going there with your eyes wide open, and realizing that all you had to do was to be there at the exact point which you’re supposed to appear at and willy-nilly you would’ve gone over Niagara Falls through the implant.
That is what has happened to me, over the last few weeks and so I have been studying the situation very hard and eventually I’ve come up with the data with regard to all of the nasty, mean and vicious implants that have ever been invented – this one is it. It has been going on for thousands of years. It is the most complete memory wipe-out system and the biggest bunch of lies that anybody ever had anything to do with.
Now your understanding is that when you die why somehow or other about fifteen minutes later you appear in another body.
Let’s look at this thing from a time-disorientation basis.
That is a lie. It takes sixty-nine days plus, more than sixty-nine days. You very often go – this has upset some of our calculations, we wondered what had happened to some of our people, why they didn’t show up again immediately and that sort of thing. You’ve gone as long as eight or nine years between death and birth.
Now I’ll just give you a fast rundown on this situation. What happens is, you’ve got a compulsion to appear, and this is why this yo-yo you see? You’ve got a compulsion to appear at the between-lives return point. Of course you just do a disappear at death and an appear there. You don’t travel to there. It’s all nicely implanted and you’re supposed to arrive at this exact point.
Having arrived at this point, you go through the works. The works consist of a false death given to you in pictures. You’re caught there and beamed in and you get a bunch of pictures which they have taken. These aren’t your pictures and it tells you all about the death you just died. Only that’s not the death you just died. So you’ve got a completely false death.
Now you look at this, look at this now. There’s a complete idiocy on it. Somebody sits up on Venus (there are probably some other stations around up in the systems on Venus). I notice that we all believe that Venus has a methane atmosphere and is unlivable. I almost got run down by a freight locomotive the other day. Didn’t look very uncivilized to me. I’m allergic to freight locomotives thanks, always running into you. We notice that Mars doesn’t have any atmosphere either and won’t support life, in spite of the fact that it turns green and red and purple with the seasons. It doesn’t support life. We understand there’s lots of things we understand about this system. But this carefully maintained station and space opera meat-body type society maintains it very carefully.
They have a hospital. There’s space craft hanging around there, despatchers stations, landing platforms, this type of thing. . It’s all highly civilized but they carefully maintain this one. It’s very interesting, they maintain this one. They’ve maintained it for thousands of years without any change. What’s happening? Why are they maintaining this thing? Don’t be deluded by the atmosphere they pump into you. The emotion they pump into you during the implant that it’s also the best of the best of all possible worlds man. It might be that we treated you like a gentleman, but the facts of the case is I classify that as a dirty trick. Why is it so interesting whether or not somebody gets off this planet?
Well frankly your answer is exactly as good as mine, I can make a few guesses on this but that’s about all. The rest of this universe isn’t run this way. It’s a question of where are we?
Why? Well I know this, that onto this planet a great deal of dumping has gone on. Stuff from the nearby galaxy, not this galaxy but the next galaxy over and so forth gone on there. So they take political prisoners and guys who they don’t want around but it is less personal than they think. They just have excess population so they start to get rid of their excess population you see. They’ve got a revolt or you’re on the wrong side of a war or something like that and they pick you up in droves and ice-cube you and throw you into a sea someplace.
I know this planet has been subjected to that and several planets in the immediate end of this galaxy been subjected to that. That I know. But somebody must have taken a great deal of interest in this fact and somebody must be awfully afraid. Somebody must be awfully afraid, you can almost say it isn’t so many, how many are here it might also be a question of who’s here.
Think of the cost, now let’s just think of it in terms of just a society you see. Think of the cost of maintaining a huge station, or several stations, its’ maintenance, light, power, wages. Think of maintaining it on a basis of hard work, because it is. Look at the volume that station handles. How many people die on this planet on any given day. Well that’s how many guys are started in on the beginning of that line on any day. That’s a lot of people man. That’s something on the order of 2 billion implants every half century.
Now that’s quite a volume. Of course somebody may not say that’s a great volume, but look at the length of the implant. Now if it were a two second implant I would say “Well yeah, anybody could handle that.” But I know that it’s more than sixty nine days, and I know the stuff is ferried back here. Why I think that’s all very interesting and this looks to me like a very expensive proposition.
Remember, this has been going on since before the days of Egypt. Way back, without any change. What industry. What enthusiasm. So we ask these various questions, “Who’s here? and “Who are we?” We can ask a lot of questions about this. I don’t pretend to have any answers to these questions. There’s no interpretation on getting it particularly beyond the interpretation, the same interpretation I’m telling you about the room you live in. I’ve seen the room, and you’re just beginning to look at it.
Within the last two weeks I’ve seen a full armored spaceship sitting on a landing port with my own eyes. What are they going to do? I don’t think they’ll do anything. I think they’re hung with their own petard. The moment they appear, they blow the show. I don’t think they’d do anything. I just think they get fixed on a wrongness and they are continuously executing this wrongness. So they insist on its rightness and they think that’s going to solve everything. I’m interested that jamming the track to this degree and getting so little time period amongst incidents as they do to the person, is giving people a weird time zzzzzzz, so that you have fan
job aeroplanes only occupying a third of a century whereas a matter of fact in most societies they’ll be happy and content with a fan job aeroplane for anything up to a billion years.Somebody invented a fan job aeroplane, fine, that’s good. Over here we’ve got jet planes. Now we’ve got super-sonic planes. Now we’ve got space ships, you see? It’s this acceleration. I’ve been into periods in that because I’ve seen as different here than it is in any other place I’ve ever been. This could be the primary factor. They give your time-track such a fast jam together that everybody gets an idea of more accelerated motion of the way progress has got to occur.
There could be other explanations. There could be explanations of the bases being created here for take-over of this particular galaxy since this type of implant is not native to this galaxy. Inspecting your own track, you will see that is the case. It’s the next galaxy. There could be an enemy to this galaxy, sitting there quietly letting a manufacturing and production base build up for an attack into this galaxy. These could be simply prison guards, and with tacit consent from one and all, far and wide, why any of you agitators that cut up a fuss or didn’t join the local A.M.A. or something like this, they capsulated you and threw you down here and they know very well that this is a prison.
Now I know that this is known in some peculiar way because bulletin board notices exist all over the place with regard to this planet. They say: “No landings on Earth.” Why does everybody comply with this? I got here by accidentally landing here up in the Himalayas. But why does everybody comply with it? Why is this planet stayed-away-from? I don’t know.How many visitors did Alcatraz have? This is about where we sit with regard to this situation.
Now there is another factor that is quite interesting. If they have pictures of Earth in order to show you how you died, did they get them on Earth, or are they picking them up in some weird mind-reading fact off of beings as they come up there? Have they actually figured out how to photograph a facsimile? If they’ve figured that kind of thing out why then that’s explained. But how do they know what’s going on here? That’s not finally answered don’t you see? No they haven’t done anything about these space probes. The boys have been at it here shooting stuff off into the heavens for the last several years, and nothing has been done about this.
Now knowing very well I suppose that any time they exceeded a certain zone or area they know very well that an armored cruiser could blow anything that this planet could build like a kids’ toy, out of the sky. So maybe they’re not worried about it. Or maybe they’re counting on a decimation of population, a destruction of industry in atomic war. Another question is, how thoroughly do these people influence the affairs of Earth? We can understand that Earth is a very very strange planet. I have never seen populations behave with the same hecticness and weirdness, and of course if people who were rather revolutionary or upset, or non-conformists were picked up uniformly and concentrated on one planet, you’d get almost an ungovernable situation. Which I think rather tends to explain maybe what this is all about. I’ve seen other planets go nutty, but only when they were in external stress of great magnitude otherwise they were rather peaceful.
So look at what we’ve got here. We’re going along our own way, the first thing we ought to do is give some attention to preventing further implantations of Scientologists. I’ve already given you a program by which this can be done. Your next action on the thing is dispose of them. I can see tomorrow, I can see tomorrow. The Chinese, he appear on landing stage to go through his false death and he hear words/thought wave as follows: “Be on Earth.”, “Support your local Scientologist.”, “There is no further reason to upset you this time. You’ve been a good boy.”, and show him an S and a double triangle and there he goes. Actually you’d only
have to do this for two or three hundred years and Earth would start to go Clear on its own, because it wasn’t getting this continuous assistance.[…]
Lecture: Between Lives Implants (1963)
File/Ref. No.: 6307C23