But nobody tells you today, unless you are an HCA-level auditor, that you’ve got to run the same technique on and on and on, with never any shift or change, see? This’d be a very unobserving thing to do.
You’ve dreamed up something. You fed it to this preclear. This preclear has been doing it and has been going downscale ever since you started it: Something is going wrong here, and the preclear is going out of control. And because the preclear is going out of control, you shouldn’t just suspect your control. What you should suspect also is the technique.
Therefore, it isn’t enough to tell you “If you say woggy-woggy to the preclear, and every time he says yes, you say woggy-woggy again; well, he’ll eventually get well.” That’s not right. You’ve got to have an understanding of what you’re running on the preclear.
To hell with it. If this subject ever gets down to magic chants and quotations and spells, it’ll also get down to witch pots. And what is the exactly-worded technique but a spell? Get the idea?
Lecture: Auditing Techniques: Workable and Unworkable (January 30, 1957)
Lecture series: Sixteenth American Advanced Clinical Course, Washington, DC