Your own inventiveness could be called upon very definitely in establishing the bond of affinity, if we just had a little firmer grip on what affinity actually is. It would be interesting to be able to both establish or break the bond.
The law of affinity becomes very embarrassing to a male hypnotist, for instance, who is foolish enough—and many of them are—to hypnotize a nymphomaniac, or for a woman hypnotist to hypnotize a satyr.
I was working with a hypnotist who had as one of his patients a nymphomaniac. And he said, “Now none of your tricks, Ron. This woman is coming up here. Don’t you tell her anything about me, and don’t you direct her attention toward me. I’m trying desperately to keep from treating her in any way. I don’t want to have anything to do with her, but she keeps hanging around all the time.”
So I said, “All right,” and I was immediately very interested. He was so afraid of something. Was he afraid of something because he was just afraid, or would it actually take place? It became immediately a scientific experiment. He had to leave the room for a moment after the girl came in, so I handed her a Hindu hypnoscope. She was quite suggestible. And I said, “You know, it’s the funniest thing, but as you gaze at this a little light like a neon light rolls around in it.”
She looked at it for a moment and said, “I don’t see that.”
And I said, “Well, look more closely at that spot in the center.”
So she did, and her eyes went pop. I didn’t say a word after that. The hypnotist came back in and started to work her, so of course we got immediate cross-hypnosis. He started speaking to her and he went on speaking to her for a few minutes, and then he left the room and I woke her up. Hypnotism’s very interesting. For about a week this woman was on the telephone any hour of the day or night trying to talk to him!
An auditor would do well to find out about hypnosis since he is going to have to undo hypnotism in many cases. And he will get this phenomenon of cross-hypnotism, where an operator has a person hypnotized and someone else just drifts by and says a word, not even to the person, and then the operator tries to do something and the patient won’t wake up. So the hypnotist has to ask the other person to wake her up. That person does so and the patient wakes up.
He has sort of walked through the affinity and carried some of it away with him leaving the operator no longer operating. Well, that was what happened to this hypnotist.1 2