The arrangements that have been made seem a good temporary measure. On a longer look, however, something more equitable will have to be organized. I am not quite sure what we would call the place – probably not a clinic – but I am sure that it ought to be a company, independent of the HAS but fed by the HAS.
The auditor arrangements of 40% are out of line in view of what is going to be happening. The HAS will be paying for lights, quarters, stenography, reception, furniture and janitor service. These will be found to come rather high in a clinic that really starts to run if the clinic is going to be any credit to anybody. Further, it is from the HAS main line that the preclears will be coming and those preclears and the clinic revenue, now that we aren’t going to try to make too much off books, are all that will support the HAS. I didn’t go to all the work I went to on HAS and other things to forget that my own revenue has to be a lot better than it has been in the past. As it is right now and as it cannot continue to be I am running an awful lot of show personally on no money. If you think Detroit would occur or continue to be if I had a couple thousand, think again – newspapers are for sale in any direction, not just to the AMA. And I can’t even support a press agent! All this adds up to is that a lot of expenses should be on the routine list that can’t be and a lot of things that are done are paid for by my abstaining from a new overcoat. And this directly concerns such things as the clinic.
I do not in the least object to an auditor working for $200 a week, his rent and reception paid for and his preclears procured. Beyond that it gets silly. Even $200 a week is pretty silly. If I were there I’d be getting paid by somebody to work in the joint as an auditor for it means his future reputation and his current training. At most I would pay $125 a week and put two auditors on every case – current procedure here.
The preclears come in by the dozens through that mail. If we didn’t have a clinic set up we’d have to watch that mail line of because of this fact. We should anyway. In Phoenix we gave them to field auditors. If we were to run there the United States Central Processing Office or whatever, we’d be able to count on ten to fifteen preclears per week at $500 for 24 hours of processing. That’s real money. I have seen it happen before. We’d get more preclears at $850 per week’s intensive. Charge enough and we’d be swamped. We need that money. We should not long plan to have it siphoned away. The HAS is the cause of that inflow and it is granting the favor in providing preclears and income. From that income I would like to see go into a general fund for general operating expenses from here – press, communications, stenos – at least $2,500 per month. If I had that much to operate with you couldn’t see over the amount of business we’d get or the number of dead bodies piled up before trial. You get the idea. But it takes money, lots of it. The clinic, as I see it, is the most eligible bet to provide that money. For one reason, 24 hours of processing now is 500 old style. I have here a short, quick package, carefully saved. I can raise the dead, which is, of course what I mean when I say “dead bodies piled up.” Resurrection would so influence public opinion.
We don’t want a clinic. We want one in operation but not in name. Perhaps we could call it a Spiritual Guidance Center. Think up its name, will you. And we could put in nice desks and our boys in neat blue with diplomas on the walls and 1. knock psychotherapy into history and 2. make enough money to shine up my operating scope and 3. keep the HAS solvent. It is a problem of practical business.
I await your reaction on the religion angle. In my opinion, we couldn’t get worse public opinion than we have had or have less customers with what we’ve got to sell. A religious charter would be necessary in Pennsylvania or NJ to make it stick. But I sure could make it stick. We’re treating the present time beingness, psychotherapy treats the past and the brain. And brother, that’s religion, not mental science.
Glad you are using my typewriter. I make you a clear gift of it. It’s a nice little mill. I have a ten pound Olivetti here, got it from Italy, the world’s tiniest but it types like a well greased dream.
I am writing THIS IS SCIENTOLOGY. I couldn’t make it by the issue you now have.
I have wired you to the effect that the type is okay you’re using in view of the price. All that is really wrong is the type masthead. Makes it look old-fashioned. Get another masthead drawn. Nice and black and simple. Also, use another type face for the headline under it. Didn’t know prices could be so wide. Looks like we make it a 12 page edition every time at that price. I could review in it everything we’ve got to keep hold of as knowledge and do all the axioms for it as well. Then we could make the axioms into a book.
Boy, are these new ones easy to teach and work. I sent Noyga one. There are about three. Clears. Hell, I never saw so many so fast. Case V, easier than Case I! When the problem cracked, it really cracked wide open.
You’ll have the most recent tapes soon. One batch has already gone to you. We’re in, O’Brien –
Best regards,
- See also: A Piece of Blue Sky; Armstrong declaration of 12-25-1990 re Helen O’Brien letter. ↩