Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
PR Series 19R
THE SAFE POINT(In late 1972, the Founder gave a briefing on the subject of PR area control to CS PR Area Control and LRH Personal Communicator. This policy letter is compiled from notes on the briefing.) 1; 2; 3
Ref: HCO PL 21 Nov. 72 I PR Series 18
HOW TO HANDLE BLACK PROPAGANDAUnder “Application” of Rule 1 (Fill the vacuum) of PR Series 18, the instruction is given: “Get in a safe place and speak up.”
It is necessary of course to have a safe place to get into, from which one can in safety speak up.
One cannot defend himself in a point that has no defenses.
Without some consideration of security in the first place, any attempt at PR area control is folly.
Thus the safe point takes consideration over active defense.
One can be in the situation of attempting to sell and deliver a product or service and suddenly find it necessary to defend himself in the same place from attack. The attack can make the point dangerous to such a degree it becomes impossible to deliver from. One might even be forced to act from a totally hidden point.
Thus the safe point takes consideration over active defense but takes even greater consideration over delivery operations.
Where possible, PR area control makes the point safe for the production activity, before any production occurs.
Sometimes funds are lacking to expand over a long period on a non-income producing PR area control operation. In this case one is forced into production to make money.
Whenever it is necessary to go into delivery operations without the prior step of making the safe point, a special unit must be set up and run at full steam to make a safe point and gain viable PR area control over all publics in the area.
You cannot operate without a base to operate from. You cannot deliver without somewhere to deliver it. You cannot sell what you cannot deliver.
The optimum action is to send a PR area control team to the area you want to operate in, and have it establish PR area control first.
A new group or company should be established first as a safe point and then as an operating point.
There is a formula here just a hair lower than Non-Existence: “Find a point from which to put out a comm line.”
The PR area control action in a new area can go so far as to create in the area a whole past and future track for the activity being established. It can make it sound old-established, stable, reliable, expert, productive, and with continuing expansion before it-when the delivery activity arrives and gets into operation.
Everything that accompanies an actual delivering unit is put there. Except the delivery. With established PR area control, delivery is put in, without a ripple, and it is all perfectly natural and acceptable.
The most important action to undertake when going about making a safe point is to carefully and painstakingly find out who exactly are the top dogs in the area in financial and political circles, and their associates and connections, and to what each one is hostile.
A handful of allies with impressive-sounding titles and positions is not enough. Viability depends on having all areas and persons who could affect or influence the operation under PR control. Most important are the groups who survey out to be the key, real powers in an area. These persons mayor may not be those who occupy high political or social positions. They mayor may not be the titular heads of large economic concerns. Research and survey alone can determine this.
One must learn carefully his Ps and Qs with regard to these people and take care not to step on their toes. Otherwise one can get tromped on hard, and will.
This data must be learned and USED.
Without a safe point established as above, it is a waste of time to rush into dealings with a government or to promise them anything. It is too easy to step on hostile toes and to arouse suspicion of you or make you difficult to account for.
Build your PR area control on a well-researched, surveyed and solid gradient. To maintain your safe point when you have started delivery, it is vital that you be able to detect the SP/PTS characters on your delivery lines and HANDLE him, be he high or low in station, and get him out of the road. One such person acting against you in the midst of your safe point can undermine it totally.
One of the reasons for this is that violations of study tech in a person’s education can turn him into a seething mass of BPC. This is very easily stirred up by an SP or PTS, and at the slightest chance he will do so. A whole class can explode like a powder keg, and with it the safety of your delivery point and its whole PR area control.
Thus SP/PTS tech is a basic tool of PR area control for the operating activity.
Delivery of excellent results is of course a vital necessity in any activity, no matter what the degree of PR area control, once it is established.
Follow this procedure to make a safe point and the rules of PR Series 18 to make it safer.
But make it safe first.
Assisted by LRH Pers Comm
- See also Joe Rogan Experience #908 re: safepointing ↩
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
- Document studied on Confidential DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat (Section O, #12). PDF format. ↩