Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO BULLETIN OF 8 NOVEMBER AD 12CenOConFranchiseSOMATICSHOW TO TELL TERMINALS ANDOPPOSITION TERMINALSIt is important that a clearing auditor be able to distinguish pain from sensation, terminals from opposition terminals, and to have the data at the level of instant knowledge. To understand it less is to invite serious errors in clearing. Failure to sort terminals from opposition terminals can confuse the pc or even degrade the case. All a pc’s somatics, deformities and distortions proceed from terminals, opposition terminals and combination terminals. Thus they are of vast importance to the pc and the auditor.DEFINITIONS[…]TERMINAL = An Item or Identity the pc has actually been sometime in the past (or present) is called a TERMINAL. It is “the pc’s own valence” at that time. In the Goals Problem Mass (the black masses of the reactive mind) those identities which, when contacted, produce pain, tell us at once that they are TERMINALS. The person could feel pain only as himself (thetan plus body) and therefore identities he has been produce pain when their mental residues (black masses) are recontacted in processing. Symbol TERM.OPPOSITION TERMINAL = An Item or Identity the pc has actually opposed (fought, been an enemy of) sometime in the past (or present) is called an OPPOSITION TERMINAL. As the person identified himself as not it he could experience from it only sensation. An OPPOSITION TERMINAL, when its mental residues (black masses) are recontacted in processing, produces only sensation, never pain. Symbol OPPTERM.COMBINED TERMINAL = An Item or Identity the pc has both been and opposed produces therefore both pain and sensation when it is “late on the track”, which is to say, after the fact of many Terminals and Opposition Terminals. The Combination Terminal is the closure between Terminal and Opposition Terminal lines which possesses attributes of both and the clarity of neither. It signifies a period toward the end of a game. It is found most commonly when the pc’s case is only shallowly entered. They exist on all cases but are fewer than terminals and opposition terminals. Symbol COTERM. 1
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