FLAT PROCESS, 1. a process is continued as long as it produces change and no longer, at which time the process is flat. (PXL p. 45) 2. a process is flat when 1) there is the same lag from the moment the command is given until the time the preclear answers the command at least three times in a row, 2) a cognition occurs, 3) the tone arm action is flat, 4) a major cognition occurs, 5) an ability regained. (SH Spec 290, 6307C25) 3 . a question is flat when the communication lag has been similar for three successive questions. Now, that’s a flat question. The comm lag might be five seconds, five seconds, and five seconds. We would still say with some justice that the question lag was flat. However, the process lag would not be flat until the actual normal exchange lag was present. The question would no longer influence the communication factors of the preclear when the process was flat. (Abil SW)
FLATTEN A PROCESS, 1. to continue a process as long as it produces change and no longer. (Scn AD) 2. flattening something means to do it until it no longer produces a reaction. (HCOB 2 Jun 71 I) See also END PHENOMENA.
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.