FLAG, 1. the Church of Scientology of California operates a marine mission aboard a chartered vessel. This marine mission is commonly referred to as Flag. It is operated under the aegis (protection, support) of the Church of Scientology of California. (BPL 9 Mar 74) 2. the main vessel of the Sea Org. (HCO PL 9 Mar 72 I) 3. the center for all international org management. (ED 480 Flag) 4. flagship. (ED 334-1 Flag) 5. Flag is the basic research area of Dn and Scn. Over half its crew are Clears today and many are OTs. It is probably the calmest, if one of the busiest areas on the planet! (LRH ED 101 INT) 6. Flag is currently fully on the Sea Org comm and control lines. The ship is divided into two organizations, the Ship Org which operates the flagship, and whose product is the Flag Org. The product of the Flag Org is “orgs which expand.” The Flag Org, in order to achieve its purpose-“to create orgs which expand” operates programs. Every program adds up to and forwards the Flag Org purpose. (FO 2219) 7. operates the Sea Org under the guidance of the Commodore. The word Flag designates that vessel where the Commodore and Personal Staff are located. The actual flag is the blue and white starred flag flown on any vessel of the flotilla. When the Commodore is aboard, the flagship flies the flag daily and has the word Flag on its title. (FO 766) 8. the word Flag means the flotilla Commanding Officer and his personal staff and is of timeless usage and is not new. (FO 1) 9. Flag is viewed primarily as a management organization on a mobile base. (ED 182 Flag) 10. the purpose of the flagship is to enable LRH to carry out his research functions, communicate 240 with orgs, get in and handle ethics and take care of finance, in that order. (FO 263)
FLAG LAND BASE, 1. Flag has established a new land base. It is called the Flag Land Base, as it delivers services which formerly were only available on the Flagship of the Sea Organization. (ED 180 USB) 2. the official name of the base where Flag Service Org activities are continuing is: The Flag Land Base. The rest of Flagship activities retain the name Flag as always. (SO ED 498R INT)
Hubbard, L. R. (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States.