FLAG ED 21194 Feb 1981________CMO INT
]Property, Production, Design & Exploitation ProgramPROGRAM INFORMATION: The property, otherwise known as “the morals booklet” is written and designed as a non religious moral code based on common sense.It will not be published by the Church or a Church related publisher. It will however be used by the Church in connection with Div 6 programs, the delivery of the Happiness Rundown, and will be made available through Church bookstores to the Scientology public. All this is in addition to, and is incidental to the broad public hand to hand’ campaign and uses of it in secular fields.Its purpose is to improve morals over the world and create a hand to hand subversion of an immoral society. It is a new game, and it is intended to start a chain reaction through society in the improvement of morals. We will let other groups take credit for doing this and we are not worried about having LRH’s name, or the Church’s name up in lights on this program.Therefore, marketing and distribution must be very cleverly done and coordinated – one area to the next.Incidentally, those on promotion lines will be very interested to know that this property very clearly fills all 9 of the Messianic buttons. The demand for such a code by the public is long term, and “happiness” is a button to be found again and again on surveys. In short, we have another winner and the value of this property and its widespread use should not be underestimated.
This program is a 1981 TOP PRIORITY CAMPAIGN, and is a coordinated effort on all fronts. Instructions for exploitation of the property have been written by LRH and are illustrated in the targets of this program but copies are also being made available to all with targets, and all those involved in strategic planning, marketing and these distribution lines.
NOTE: At this writing, production with the Publisher has already begun. Targets listed below and designated for the Publisher are not in fact orders. They are merely points already negotiated and agreeable to the publisher, and they are listed here for the benefit of all others with targets so they know what the publisher is doing. They are listed here with the Publishers permission.
PROGRAM PURPOSE: To improve morals over the world through a hand to hand campaign, and to create a new game and a new era.
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FLAG ED 2119
1. To prepare the manuscript for publishing, per the design instructions.
2. To get the booklet published by a non-church connected publisher.
3. To set up the distribution lines and distribute the property widely.
4. To exploit the property through PR and promotion, and excellently done distribution, starting a hand to hand chain reaction, so it becomes a roaring fad.
74. Program the use of this booklet and the companion sales kit from the Publisher demonstrating how the psychs are tearing down moral standards in society. Using CCHR distribute this booklet to allies indicating that through use of it they can help others on the road to survival. DG SC WW ____
75. Program the use of the booklet for Education groups for distribution and consumption by Parents, children & teachers, to combat the community problems facing these groups in society. (criminality in schools, the need for guidance counselling between parents and children, etc.) This activity can he supported through ordering booklets directly from the Publisher, and distributing them with their groups name on them as well as getting commissions on volume sales. (This data available from the Publisher.) DG SC WW ____
76. Program the usage of the booklet through Narconons. Have them get their copies direct from the Publisher, and support their campaigns through selling the booklets for volume use through prisons, police, social workers, probation officers, social boards who fund addicts, judges, and any other arm of society involved in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. DG SC WW ____
77. Program the use of this booklet through Criminons, as above in 76. DG SC WW ____
78. Program the use of this booklet for PRs to use in their opinion leader contacts to get the booklets into the hands of Community Leaders and used. PR Gases can sell the booklets in volume and support their activities through sales commissions from the publisher. They can use their sales kits supplied them for demonstrating the need for a non religious code based on common sense which all people can accept. The idea is to get Opinion Leaders forwarding their own cause and enhancing their own survival by giving and recommending use of the booklet to others. T/DG PR WW ____ 2
- This document in PDF format ↩
- See also: OCMB: OCMB: The Way to Happiness – A Most Subversive Document ↩