The Investigative Division has referred information which was received from the Philadelphia Office on 1-10-53 that Helen O’Brien Neugebauer, who with her husband, John Neugebauer, was arrested on 12-10-52 charged with assaulting two U. S. Marshals, stated that she has two step-sisters who are married to Special Agents Carey and Fulks.
These arrests were made when the Neugebauers allegedly interfered with, two Marshals while they were attempting to serve a bench warrant on L. Ron Hubbard while Hubbard was lecturing in a building owned by the Neugebauers. The Neugebauers claimed they were friends of Hubbard and were organizers of lecture groups for the Association of Scientologists of which Hubbard is the founder.
FBI Report: Synopsis (February 3, 1953)
File/Ref. No.: 17-cv-03842-A (141-142); 62-HQ-94080; 62-94080
Download: 17-cv-03842-A-141-142.pdf
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