Here are some incidents, more or less in the order that the auditor will find them and run them.
Here we have an invader [*] trick, a method of trapping thetans. It is a facsimile scrambler. It is very early, not the earliest, only the earliest invader trick. The thetan area is invaded by MEST beings. The thetans bother the MEST beings, “nipping” them, etc. The MEST beings use theta traps. One of these is to give to thetans pretty little boxes. These boxes contain a stack of pictures. As thetans are disposed to gather facsimiles, these pictures are very acceptable. The thetan looks over the pictures. He finds they are quite similar one to another. They show, each one, a picture of a box of pictures. When he replaces the lid the box explodes violently. He instinctively tries to dampen the explosion. He gets his aura of beingness full of pictures which are extremely confusing, being pictures of boxes of pictures.
The running of this incident is simple. One keeps the preclear’s attention on the point of explosion, out from him. Of course, this point slams back at him every time he puts his attention on it. You will find a preclear with this in restimulation to be very curious about cereal boxes which have pictures of boxes of cereal which have pictures of boxes of cereal.
There may be several such incidents including being near such explosions.
[*] invader: reference to invader forces, an electronics people. The electronics people usually happen to be an evolutionary line which is on heavy gravity planets, and so they develop electronics. The reason you say invader forces at all is because at some time fairly early in their youth, they took off to conquer the whole MEST universe. Page 98.