Penetrating the First and Second Wall of Fire
The actual history of Earth is wild beyond any science fiction story ever written
On your journey through OT V at AOSH UK1, you’ll probe the darkest secrets of this sector of the universe, what happened to it and what happened to you and why. Anything powerful enough to destroy the sanity of every many, woman and child on Earth was something so powerful and so evil that it defies imagination.
Until you pass through the First and Second Wall of Fire this magnitude of charge is unhandled on your case. Because of the depth and power of this charge, it’s sitting right there with you, affecting you every minute of every day.
LRH spoke of OT III, the First Wall of Fire, in Ron’s Journal 67:
“The mystery of this universe, and this particular sector of the universe has been , as far as its track is concerned, completely occluded. No one has ever been able to make any breakthrough and come off with it and know what happened. As a matter of fact, it is so occluded that if anyone tried to penetrate it as I’m sure many have, they died. The material involved in this sector is so vicious that it is carefully arranged to kill anyone if he discovers the exact truth of it.” –LRH
This vicious material is what you are addressing on OT III. That is why it’s so vital that you move up through it with no delay. Clears especially are at risk–a risk that often isn’t real to many until they open the OT III pack and read the details of what LRH is talking about above.2