“Like surrealism, occultism tries to break the domination of rational philosophy and logic, stressed by Descartes. Occultism is based on the belief in a higher reality of certain forms of association through the cabbala, faith in the power of dream- and trance-images, and in the stream of words uncensored by the intellect.”
– P. R. Koenig, “Ecstatic Creation of Culture”
“Hubbard had experienced a peculiar hallucination in 1938, while under nitrous oxide during a dental operation. He believed that he had died during the operation and while dead been shown a great wealth of knowledge.”
– Tony McClelland, “The Total Freedom Trap”
According to Forrest Ackerman, Hubbard’s former literary agent, Hubbard’s vision appeared when he “died” on an operating table during the war.
“Basically what he told me was that after he died he rose in spirit form and looked back on the body he had formerly inhabited. Over yonder he saw a fantastic great gate, elaborately carved like something you’d see in Baghdad or ancient China. As he wafted towards it, the gate opened and just beyond he could see a kind of intellectual smorgasbord on which was outlined everything that had ever puzzled the mind of man.
All the questions that had concerned philosophers through the ages – When did the world begin? Was there a God? Whither goest we? – were there answered.
All this information came flooding into him and while he was absorbing it, there was a sort of flustering in the air and he felt something like a long umbilical cord pulling him back. He was saying ‘No, no, not yet!’, but he was pulled back anyway. After the gates had closed he realized he had re-entered his body.”
“According to Ron, he jumped off the operating table, ran to his Quonset hut, got two reams of paper and a gallon of scalding black coffee and for the next 48 hours, at a blinking rate, he wrote a work called Excalibur, or The Dark Sword”
Hubbard, “said that as he shopped the manuscript around, the people who read it either went insane or committed suicide. The last time he showed it to a publisher, he was sitting in an office waiting for a reader to give his opinion. The reader walked into the office, tossed the manuscript on the desk and then threw himself out of the window.
“He said it was in a bank vault and it was going to stay there. I think he was quite sincere. He seemed like a man who had seen too many people go crazy or commit suicide, who had enough on his conscience already. I never did get to see the manuscript or show it to any publisher. In fact, I never encountered anyone who said they had seen it.”
– Forrest Ackerman
Art Burks, a fellow writer, did see the manuscript, but in 1938.
“He told me it was going to revolutionize everything: the world, people’s attitudes to one another. He thought it would have a greater impact upon people than the Bible.”
– Art Burks
“Burk’s recollection of the manuscript was that it was about seventy thousand words long and began with a fable about a king who gathered all his wise men together and commanded them to bring him all the wisdom of the world in five hundred books. He then told them to go away and condense the information into one hundred books. When they had done that, he wanted the wisdom reduced into one book and finally one word. That word was ‘survive’.”
– Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
Yes, There Was a Book Called “Excalibur”
by L. Ron Hubbard.
Arthur Burks recalls many fascinating details in the unpublished novel.
“Hubbard had clear connections to the occult. Even in the first publication of Dianetics in ‘Astounding Science Fiction’ [May 1950 p. 66], Hubbard in explaining how he did his ‘research’ into what the mind was doing, says he used ‘automatic writing, speaking and clairvoyance’.”
Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Scientology bears substantial resemblance to much other contemporary trance channeled material.”
Dissertation Abstracts, 1954, volume 14, page 390
“Hubbard’s intense curiosity about the mind’s power led him into a friendship in 1946 [actually August 1945] with rocket fuel scientist John Whiteside Parsons. Parsons was a protégé of British satanist Aleister Crowley and leader of a black-magic group modeled after Crowley’s infamous occult lodge in England.”
LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
“Parsons and Hubbard lived in an aging mansion on South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena, Calif. The estate was home to an odd mix of Bohemian artists, writers, scientists and occultists. A small domed temple supported by six stone columns stood in the back yard.”
“Hubbard met his second wife, Sara Northrup, at the mansion. Although she was Parsons’ lover at the time, Hubbard was undeterred. He married Northrup before divorcing his first wife.”
“LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
“Although he [Hubbard] has no formal training in Magick, he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences I deduce that he is in direct contact with some higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel … He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met, and is in complete accord with our own principles…
I think I have made a great gain, and as Betty [Sara Northrup] and I are the best of friends there is little loss. I cared for her rather deeply, but I have no desire to control her emotions, and I can, I hope, control my own. I need a magical partner. I have many experiments in mind…”
Parsons in a letter to Crowley (late 1945)
“Long before the 1960s counterculture, some residents of the estate smoked marijuana and embraced a philosophy of promiscuous, ritualistic sex.”
“LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
Aleister Crowley had sought to bring into being an Anti-Christ:
A “living being in form resembling man, and possessing those qualities of man which distinguish him from beasts, namely intellect and power of speech, but neither begotten in the manner of human generation, nor inhabited by a human soul.”
– Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law
“The core of this Working [by Parsons] consisted of the utilisation of the Enochian Tablet of Air, or rather a specific angle of it. This was to be the focus of VIII* sexual magick, with the purpose of giving substance to the elemental summons. Parsons continued with this for eleven days, evoking twice daily. He noted various psychic phenomena during this period, but felt discouraged by the apparent failure of the Operation. However, success followed several days later.”
– Michael Staley, “The Babalon Working”
“The feeling of tension and unease continued for four days. Then on January 18 [1946] at sunset, whilst the Scribe and I were on the Mojave Desert, the feeling of tension suddenly stopped. I turned to him and said ‘it is done’, in absolute certainty that the Operation was accomplished. I returned home, and found a young woman [Marjorie Cameron] answering the requirements waiting for me.
She is describable as an air of fire type with bronze red hair, fiery and subtle, determined and obstinate, sincere and perverse, with extraordinary personality, talent and intelligence. During the period of January 19 to February 27 I invoked the Goddess BABALON [a particular aspect of the Egyptian goddess Nuit] with the aid of magical partner (Ron Hubbard), as was proper to one of my grade.”
– Parsons in a letter to Crowley (late 1945)
Reportedly the words of Babalon, consisting of 77 short verses, communicated to Parsons by unknown means in the Mohave desert at the end of February, “Liber 49 contains instructions for the earthing of this Babalon current in the form of an avatar, daughter or manifestation of Babalon, who was to appear amongst us. It would seem that Parsons was expecting a full-blown incarnation, and not simply the inauguration of a force.”
– Michael Staley, “The Babalon Working”
“With the assistance of his new friend [L. Ron Hubbard], he [Jack Parsons] intended to try and create a ‘moonchild’ – a magical child ‘mightier than all the kings of the earth’, whose birth had been prophesied in the Book of the Law more than forty years earlier.”
– Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
“The Aeon of Horus is of the nature of a child. To perceive this, we must conceive of the nature of a child without the veil of sentimentality – beyond good and evil, perfectly gentle, perfectly ruthless, containing all possibilities within the limits of heredity, and highly susceptible to training and environment. But the nature of Horus is also the nature of force – blind, terrible, unlimited force.”
– Aleister Crowley (unpublished paper)
“On March 1 and 2, 1946, I prepared the altar and equipment in accordance with the instructions in Liber 49. The Scribe, Ron Hubbard, had been away about a week, and knew nothing of my invocation of BABALON, which I had kept entirely secret. On the night of March 2 he returned, and described a vision he had had that evening, of a savage and beautiful woman riding naked on a great cat-like beast. He was impressed with the urgent necessity of giving me some message or communication.
We prepared magically for this communication, constructing a temple at the altar with the analysis of the key word. He was robed in white, carrying a lamp; and I in black, hooded, with the cup and dagger. At his suggestion we played Rachmaninov’s Isle of the Dead as background music, and set an automatic recorder to transcribe audible occurrences. At approximately 8 am he began to dictate, I transcribing directly as I received.”
– Parsons in a letter to Crowley (late 1945)
On March 2, 1946, Hubbard, Parsons and Marjorie Cameron, the “scarlet women” engaged in sexual rites in the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge in South Orange California.
Hubbard, as scribe, intoned:
“Make a box of blackness at ten o’clock. Smear the vessel which contains flame with thine own blood. Destroy at the altar a thing of value. Remain in perfect silence and heed the voice of our Lady. Speak not of this ritual or of her coming to any person…”
“Display thyself to Our Lady; dedicate thy organs to Her, dedicate thy heart to Her, dedicate thy mind to Her, dedicate thy soul to Her, for She shall absorb thee, and thou shalt become living flame before She incarnates…”
– Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
“The neighbors began protesting when the rituals called for a naked pregnant woman to jump nine times through fire in the yard.”
– L. Sprague de Camp (science-fiction author who knew both Hubbard and Parsons)
“Apparently Parsons or Hubbard or somebody is producing a Moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts.”
– Aleister Crowley, in a letter to the head of the OTO in the U.S.
“After the Babalon Working had been concluded, all that Parsons could do was watch and wait. He had been told that the Operation had succeeded, that conception had occurred, and that in due course the avatar or Daughter of Babalon would come to him, bearing a secret sign that Parsons alone would recognise, and which would prove her authenticity.
Hubbard, though, had rather more mundane considerations on his mind, and several weeks later he and Betty absconded with a vast amount of Parsons’ money. This amounted to many thousands of dollars as an investment in Allied Enterprises, a fund set up by Parsons, Betty and Hubbard, and into which Parsons was pursuaded to sink most of his savings.”
– Michael Staley, “The Babalon Working”
“About J.W.P. – all that I can say is that I am sorry – I feel sure that he had fine ideas, but he was led astray firstly by Smith [former head of the Agapé Lodge of the O.T.O. in California], then he was robbed of his last penny by a confidence man named Hubbard.”
– Aleister Crowley, in a letter to Louis T. Culling (October 1946)
“Hubbard and Parsons finally had a falling out over a sailboat sales venture [Allied Enterprises] that ended in a court dispute between the two. In later years, Hubbard tried to distance himself from his embarrassing association with Parsons, who was founder of a government rocket project at the California Institute of Technology that later evolved into the famed Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Parsons died in 1952 when a chemical explosion ripped through his garage lab.”
“Hubbard insisted that he had been working undercover for Naval Intelligence to break up black magic in America and to investigate links between the occultists and prominent scientists at the Parsons’ mansion. Hubbard said the mission was so successful that the house was razed and the black-magic group was dispersed. But Parsons’ widow, Cameron, disputed Hubbard’s account in a brief interview with the Los Angeles Times.
She said the two men ‘liked each other very much’ and ‘felt they were ushering in a force that was going to change things’.”
– “LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
“Hubbard continued the practice of Magick after leaving Parsons….The ‘Affirmations’ are voluminous. The introduction alone runs to thirty pages. They are in Ron Hubbard’s own hand. Only a tiny portion was read into the court record [during the Armstrong case], and the originals were held under court seal. In the ‘Affirmations’ Hubbard hypnotized himself to believe that all of humanity and all discarnate beings were bound to him in slavery. Mary Sue Hubbard’s attorney claimed these statements were part of Hubbard’s ‘research’.
“Also under court seal was a document with the tantalizing title ‘the Blood Ritual’. The title was Hubbard’s own. This document was apparently so sensitive that no part of it was read into the record. The Scientology lawyer asserted that the deity invoked in ‘The Blood Ritual’ is an Egyptian god of Love.
Parson had mentioned Hubbard’s guardian angel, ‘The Empress’. Nibs Hubbard says his father also called his guardian angel Hathor, or Hathoor. Hathor is an Egyptian goddess, the daughter and mother of the great sun god Amon-Ra, the principal Egyptian deity. She was depicted as a winged and spotted cow feeding humanity; a goddess of Love and Beauty. But she had a second aspect, not always mentioned in texts on Egyptian mythology, that of the ‘avenging lioness’, Sekmet, a destructive force.
One authority has called her ‘the destroyer of man’. This is the ‘God of Love’ to whom ‘The Blood Ritual’ ceremony was dedicated. Since doing my research I have seen a copy of ‘The Blood Ritual’, and it is indeed addressed to Hathor. Nuit, Re, Mammon and Osiris are also invoked. The ceremony consisted of Ron and his then wife mingling their blood to become one.”
“Arthur Burks has left an account of a meeting with Hubbard before the Second War, where Hubbard said that his guardian angel, a ‘smiling woman’, protected him when he was flying gliders. One early Dianeticist asked Hubbard how he had managed to write Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health in three weeks. Hubbard said it was produced through automatic writing, dictated by an entity called the ‘Empress’. In Crowley’s Tarot, the Empress card represents, among other things, debauchery, and Crowley also associated the card with Hathor.
“To Crowley, Babalon was a manifestation of the Hindu goddess Shakti, who in one of her aspects is also called the ‘destroyer of man’. It seems that to Hubbard, Babalon, Hathor, and the Empress were synonymous, and he was trying to conjure his ‘Guardian Angel’ in the form of a servile homunculus to he could control the ‘destroyer of man’.
“There was also a correspondence between Diana and Isis to Crowley, and the Empress card represented not only Hathor, but Isis, in Crowley’s system. Diana is the patroness of witchcraft. Hubbard later called one of his daughters Diana, and the name of the first Sea Org yacht was changed from Enchanter to Diana.”
– Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky
Use of Magick in Scientology
“The whole and sole object of all true magickal training is to become free from every kind of limitation.”
– Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice
“Our whole activity tends to make an individual completely independent of any limitation.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture (December, 1952)
“Conventional religions, with their colorful mythologies analyzed in terms of the underlying philosophical principles, represent simply the primitive longing of man to feel ‘at one’ with the Universal harmony he perceives about him. ‘White’ magic, as advocated by primitive pagan and modern institutional religions, offers devotees the illusion of ‘re-inclusion’ in the Universal scheme of things through various ritualistic devotions and superstitions.
“The Black Magician, on the other hand, rejects both the desirability of union with the Universe and any self-deceptive antics designed to create such an illusion. He has considered the existence of the individual psyche – the ‘core you’ of your conscious intelligence – and has taken satisfaction from its existence as something unlike anything else in the Universe.
The Black Magician desires this psyche to live, to experience, and to continue. He does not wish to die – or to lose his consciousness and identity in a larger, Universal consciousness [assuming that such exists]. He wants to be.”
— John Youril, “The Temple of Set FAQ”
Hubbard defines operating thetan, a spiritual being freed by Scientology practices as “an individual who could *operate* totally independently of his body whether he had one or didn’t have one. He’s now himself, he’s not dependent on the universe around him.” – Scientology Technical Dictionary
“In the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures taped in 1952, Hubbard discusses occult magic of the middle ages, and recommends a current book – ‘it’s fascinating work in itself, and that’s work written by Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend.’ The book recommended was The Master Therion, (published in London in 1929) later re-released as Magick in Theory and Practise. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. asserts that during the time when the Philadelphia course was given his father would read Crowley’s works ‘in preparation for the next day’s lecture…’
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“…In these runes I are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: But one cometh after him . . . who shall discouer the key to it all?”
– Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law
“According to Ron Jr., his father considered himself to be the one ‘who came after’; that he was Crowley’s successor; that he had taken on the mantle of the ‘Great Beast’. He told him that Scientology actually began on December the Ist, 1947. This was the day Aleister Crowley died.”
– Brent Corydon, Messiah or Madman
“There are interesting similarities between Crowley’s writings and the teachings of Hubbard. Dianetics’ Time Track, in which every incident in a person’s life is chronologically recorded in full in the mind, is quite similar to Crowley’s Magical Memory. The Magical Memory is developed over time until ‘memories of childhood reawaken which were previously forgotten, and memories of previous incarnations are recalled as well’. Hubbard gives examples in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course of several people remembering lives earlier on earth, some up to a million years ago.
The similarity between the Magical Memory and Time Track, then, is that they both can recall every past incident in a person’s life, they both can recall incidents from past lives, and they both must be developed by certain techniques in order to make use of them. Both Hubbard and Crowley consider it important to have the person recall his or her birth.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Having allowed the mind to return for some hundred times to the hour of birth, it should be encouraged to endeavour to penetrate beyond that period.”
– Aleister Crowley, Magick
“After twenty runs through birth, the patient experienced a recession of all somatics and ‘unconsciousness’ and aberrative content.” “Thus there was no inhibition about looking earlier than birth for what Dianetics had begun to call basic-basic.”
– L Ron Hubbard, Dianetics
“Both Hubbard and Crowley are avowedly anti-psychiatry.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Official psychoanalysis is therefore committed to upholding a fraud…Psychoanalysts have misinterpreted life, and announced the absurdity that every human being is essentially an anti-social, criminal, and insane animal.”
– Aleister Crowley, Magick
“Hubbard considered that psychiatry controlled most of society and was struggling to create their own 1984 world. Hubbard and Crowley both posit the ability of the person to leave his or her body at times. Crowley states that the way to learn to leave your body is to mock up a body like your own in front of your physical body.
“Eventually you will learn to leave your physical body with your ‘astral body’ and travel and view at will without physical restrictions. Hubbard teaches the same, and his method of “exteriorization” is to tell the person to ‘have preclear mock up own body’, which will send the person outside his body.”
“Both Crowley and Hubbard use an equilateral triangle pointing up in a circle as one of their group’s symbols. Both use Volume 0 instead of Volume 1 to begin enumerating their works. One could go on for quite some time listing the similarities between Crowley’s and Hubbard’s theories and writings, but for more the reader is encouraged to look for him or herself.”
“In Crowley’s Organization are several grade levels. To reach the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus ‘The Adept must prepare and publish a thesis setting forth His knowledge of the Universe, and his proposals for its welfare and progress. He will thus be known as the leader of a school of thought’ [Magick]. It is apparent that Hubbard has fulfilled this requirement.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
Scientology and The Hierarchy of Demons
from Mystae Website
recovered through WayBackMachine Website
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
– Ephesians 6:12
“Basically, gnostics believe that we as humans are ‘outsiders’ to this material universe. Our immortal godlike souls were trapped here in a body by evil forces, and we are reincarnated continually, while our true spiritual identities are clouded from our memory. It is our task to discover the hidden knowledge, or gnosis, that will allow us to escape this evil material world of illusion and return to our rightful place. We keep reincarnating until we learn how to escape.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“The world seems to be ‘the epitome of evil’. Because it is alien to their true nature, human beings must renounce it and flee from it in order to be able to return to their heavenly home. To achieve this aim they must possess Gnosis, be reborn in their true nature, and be baptized in the cup of knowledge into which the divine intellect has been poured.”
– Giovanni Filoramo, Gnosticism
“Salvation begins with a messenger from beyond bringing the necessary knowledge to mankind, but this knowledge is given only to those deemed worthy, and even then one must follow certain steps in order to arrive at the ultimate Truths. The individual must struggle to earn and then incorporate the secret knowledge needed to return to his rightful place. There is a need for someone to bring this gnosis or knowledge to mankind:”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“It follows that this divine reality cannot be known through the ordinary faculties of the mind. Illumination, revelation, the intervention of a celestial mediator is required. He descends from above to call the Gnostic, to rouse him from earthly sleep and drunkenness, to take him back to his divine homeland.”
– Giovanni Filoramo, Gnosticism
“While on this earth, man is plagued by many difficulties which lessen his real abilities and being. One problem to us all is that within each of our bodies is a plethora of spirits or souls, causing us harm.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“A hierarchy of demons, servile and ready, is continually at work in everyone’s body, transformed into a remorseless inferno in miniature.”
– Giovanni Filoramo, Gnosticism
“For many spirits dwell in it [the body] and do not permit it to be pure; each of them brings to fruition its own works, and they treat it abusively by means of unseemly desires. To me it seems that the heart suffers in much the same way as an inn: for it has holes and trenches dug in it and is often filled with filth by men who live there licentiously and have no regard for the place because it belongs to another.”
– Valentinus (300 AD)
“Human beings, so Hubbard said, are actually a collection of Thetans [spirits], a cluster of ‘Body Thetans’.”
– Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky
The supposed incident 75 million years ago in which thetans in this sector of the galaxy became clustered together is revealed in the confidential doctrine of OT III.
Forbidden in Canada
by the Religious Technology Center.
In a lecture to students of first Class VIII course on the flagship Apollo, October 3, 1968, Hubbard briefly describes that people are afraid of Body Thetans and greatly underestimate how many of them there are.
“Another gnostic idea, that this is a world of illusion, is in about Scientology doctrine as well. Scientology teaches that this universe we live in is the MEST (matter, energy, space, time) universe that exists solely because the non-MEST beings known as thetans decided to agree to bind themselves to the rules and laws that we see operating here, such as gravity and the speed of light: ‘a Thetan may postulate a material or mental condition and subsequently consider that he cannot escape that condition, and succumb to the resulting illusion of entrapment within it.’
Theta beings (Hubbard’s name for the soul) lived here on earth by dwelling in a human body. Humans, that is, the living body, existed without the theta being before the thetans were trapped in this material universe. Theta beings are “trapped” into human bodies by trickery and forget their true nature.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Consider that theta [spirit] in its native state is pure reason or at least pure potential reason. Consider that MEST in its native state is simply the chaotic physical universe, its chemicals and energies active in space and time.”
“The cycle of existence for theta consists of a disorganized and painful smash into MEST and then a withdrawal with a knowledge of some of the laws of MEST, to come back and smash into MEST again.”
“MEST could be considered to be under onslaught by theta. Theta could be considered to have as one of its missions, and its only mission where MEST is concerned, the conquest of the physical universe.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival
“Hubbard saw the individuals’ current state as a fall from grace, but the individual’s own grace, not that of God. He saw the Thetan as an all-capable individual, who has gradually restricted his powers, over ‘quadrillions’ of years, in part to have a ‘game’, and in part for fear of hurting others. He called this degeneration of the ‘dwindling spiral’. In Scientology counseling, the Preclear is directed back to incidents in his past existences which have shaped his way of thinking (and consequently his current circumstances).
A better future is to be obtained by release from quadrillenia of long forgotten conditioning and guilt. Sociologists use the term ‘neo-gnosticism’ to describe such beliefs when they are allied to a supposed system of enlightenment (many of the original Christian gnostic sects spent their time learning the passwords which would give them entry to heaven after death).”
“In the mid-1970s while in Washington, DC, Hubbard inaugurated a secret project to find out all he could about the ‘Soldiers of Light’ and the ‘Soldiers of Darkness’. The notion that people are born either good or evil and engage in a cosmic spiritual war can be found in Zoroastrianism, and in the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Essenes, whence it found its way into certain Gnostic Christian sects. In the early 1950s Hubbard had talked about people being ‘players’, ‘pieces’ or ‘broken pieces’ in the ‘game’ of life. This concept is fundamental to Scientology. He later spoke of ‘Big Beings’ existing in a ratio of one to eighteen compared to ‘degraded Beings’.
Separately from this estimate, he said that Supressives make up two and a half percent of the population, and Potential Trouble Sources (PTSes) who are in their sway a further 17.5 percent. He categorized some people simply as ‘robots’, incapable of decision. In short, there are a small number of ‘players’, some Soldiers of Light, some Soldiers of Darkness. They are engaged in an eternal battle, using the ‘pieces’ and ‘broken pieces’ to achieve their ends.”
– Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky
“Hubbard undeniably had great talent; some would call it genius. He led an extremely active life, and met his goals except for one, emotional comfort – for which his wealth and power could only substitute. Dianetics/Scientology was to be his cure, but it didn’t work. He fell victim to the delusions he fostered in others, and it is known that, right up to his demise or shortly before, he audited himself, or was audited, on his pack of “creatures.”
– Robert Kaufman, “Scientology Auditing and Its Offshoots”
“I was advised by Richard Aznaran, Sinar Parman and Annie Breeder that Hubbard was an unhandled PTS III [psychotic] when he died. According to Sinar Parman, Hubbard was a psychopathic insane person screaming about BT’s [Body Thetans] and clusters at the top of his lungs.”
– Andre Tabayoyon (Tabayoyon was an ex-Marine Vietnam verteran who became a Scientologist for 21 years and knew Hubbard personally.)1
“Like surrealism, occultism tries to break the domination of rational philosophy and logic, stressed by Descartes. Occultism is based on the belief in a higher reality of certain forms of association through the cabbala, faith in the power of dream- and trance-images, and in the stream of words uncensored by the intellect.”
– P. R. Koenig, “Ecstatic Creation of Culture”
“Hubbard had experienced a peculiar hallucination in 1938, while under nitrous oxide during a dental operation. He believed that he had died during the operation and while dead been shown a great wealth of knowledge.”
– Tony McClelland, “The Total Freedom Trap”
According to Forrest Ackerman, Hubbard’s former literary agent, Hubbard’s vision appeared when he “died” on an operating table during the war.
“Basically what he told me was that after he died he rose in spirit form and looked back on the body he had formerly inhabited. Over yonder he saw a fantastic great gate, elaborately carved like something you’d see in Baghdad or ancient China. As he wafted towards it, the gate opened and just beyond he could see a kind of intellectual smorgasbord on which was outlined everything that had ever puzzled the mind of man.
All the questions that had concerned philosophers through the ages – When did the world begin? Was there a God? Whither goest we? – were there answered.
All this information came flooding into him and while he was absorbing it, there was a sort of flustering in the air and he felt something like a long umbilical cord pulling him back. He was saying ‘No, no, not yet!’, but he was pulled back anyway. After the gates had closed he realized he had re-entered his body.”
“According to Ron, he jumped off the operating table, ran to his Quonset hut, got two reams of paper and a gallon of scalding black coffee and for the next 48 hours, at a blinking rate, he wrote a work called Excalibur, or The Dark Sword”
Hubbard, “said that as he shopped the manuscript around, the people who read it either went insane or committed suicide. The last time he showed it to a publisher, he was sitting in an office waiting for a reader to give his opinion. The reader walked into the office, tossed the manuscript on the desk and then threw himself out of the window.”
“He said it was in a bank vault and it was going to stay there. I think he was quite sincere. He seemed like a man who had seen too many people go crazy or commit suicide, who had enough on his conscience already. I never did get to see the manuscript or show it to any publisher. In fact, I never encountered anyone who said they had seen it.”
– Forrest Ackerman
Art Burks, a fellow writer, did see the manuscript, but in 1938.
“He told me it was going to revolutionize everything: the world, people’s attitudes to one another. He thought it would have a greater impact upon people than the Bible.”
– Art Burks
“Burk’s recollection of the manuscript was that it was about seventy thousand words long and began with a fable about a king who gathered all his wise men together and commanded them to bring him all the wisdom of the world in five hundred books. He then told them to go away and condense the information into one hundred books. When they had done that, he wanted the wisdom reduced into one book and finally one word. That word was ‘survive’.”
– Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
Yes, There Was a Book Called “Excalibur” by L. Ron Hubbard. |
“Hubbard had clear connections to the occult. Even in the first publication of Dianetics in ‘Astounding Science Fiction’ [May 1950 p. 66], Hubbard in explaining how he did his ‘research’ into what the mind was doing, says he used ‘automatic writing, speaking and clairvoyance’.”
Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Scientology bears substantial resemblance to much other contemporary trance channeled material.”
Dissertation Abstracts, 1954, volume 14, page 390
“Hubbard’s intense curiosity about the mind’s power led him into a friendship in 1946 [actually August 1945] with rocket fuel scientist John Whiteside Parsons. Parsons was a protégé of British satanist Aleister Crowley and leader of a black-magic group modeled after Crowley’s infamous occult lodge in England.”
LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
“Parsons and Hubbard lived in an aging mansion on South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena, Calif. The estate was home to an odd mix of Bohemian artists, writers, scientists and occultists. A small domed temple supported by six stone columns stood in the back yard.”
“Hubbard met his second wife, Sara Northrup, at the mansion. Although she was Parsons’ lover at the time, Hubbard was undeterred. He married Northrup before divorcing his first wife.”
“LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
“Although he [Hubbard] has no formal training in Magick, he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences I deduce that he is in direct contact with some higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel … He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met, and is in complete accord with our own principles…I think I have made a great gain, and as Betty [Sara Northrup] and I are the best of friends there is little loss. I cared for her rather deeply, but I have no desire to control her emotions, and I can, I hope, control my own. I need a magical partner. I have many experiments in mind…”
Parsons in a letter to Crowley (late 1945)
“Long before the 1960s counterculture, some residents of the estate smoked marijuana and embraced a philosophy of promiscuous, ritualistic sex.”
“LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
Aleister Crowley had sought to bring into being an Anti-Christ:
A “living being in form resembling man, and possessing those qualities of man which distinguish him from beasts, namely intellect and power of speech, but neither begotten in the manner of human generation, nor inhabited by a human soul.”
– Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law
“The core of this Working [by Parsons] consisted of the utilisation of the Enochian Tablet of Air, or rather a specific angle of it. This was to be the focus of VIII* sexual magick, with the purpose of giving substance to the elemental summons. Parsons continued with this for eleven days, evoking twice daily. He noted various psychic phenomena during this period, but felt discouraged by the apparent failure of the Operation. However, success followed several days later.”
– Michael Staley, “The Babalon Working”
“The feeling of tension and unease continued for four days. Then on January 18 [1946] at sunset, whilst the Scribe and I were on the Mojave Desert, the feeling of tension suddenly stopped. I turned to him and said ‘it is done’, in absolute certainty that the Operation was accomplished. I returned home, and found a young woman [Marjorie Cameron] answering the requirements waiting for me.She is describable as an air of fire type with bronze red hair, fiery and subtle, determined and obstinate, sincere and perverse, with extraordinary personality, talent and intelligence. During the period of January 19 to February 27 I invoked the Goddess BABALON [a particular aspect of the Egyptian goddess Nuit] with the aid of magical partner (Ron Hubbard), as was proper to one of my grade.”
– Parsons in a letter to Crowley (late 1945)
Reportedly the words of Babalon, consisting of 77 short verses, communicated to Parsons by unknown means in the Mohave desert at the end of February, “Liber 49 contains instructions for the earthing of this Babalon current in the form of an avatar, daughter or manifestation of Babalon, who was to appear amongst us. It would seem that Parsons was expecting a full-blown incarnation, and not simply the inauguration of a force.”
– Michael Staley, “The Babalon Working”
“With the assistance of his new friend [L. Ron Hubbard], he [Jack Parsons] intended to try and create a ‘moonchild’ – a magical child ‘mightier than all the kings of the earth’, whose birth had been prophesied in the Book of the Law more than forty years earlier.”
– Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
“The Aeon of Horus is of the nature of a child. To perceive this, we must conceive of the nature of a child without the veil of sentimentality – beyond good and evil, perfectly gentle, perfectly ruthless, containing all possibilities within the limits of heredity, and highly susceptible to training and environment. But the nature of Horus is also the nature of force – blind, terrible, unlimited force.”
– Aleister Crowley (unpublished paper)
“On March 1 and 2, 1946, I prepared the altar and equipment in accordance with the instructions in Liber 49. The Scribe, Ron Hubbard, had been away about a week, and knew nothing of my invocation of BABALON, which I had kept entirely secret. On the night of March 2 he returned, and described a vision he had had that evening, of a savage and beautiful woman riding naked on a great cat-like beast. He was impressed with the urgent necessity of giving me some message or communication.We prepared magically for this communication, constructing a temple at the altar with the analysis of the key word. He was robed in white, carrying a lamp; and I in black, hooded, with the cup and dagger. At his suggestion we played Rachmaninov’s Isle of the Dead as background music, and set an automatic recorder to transcribe audible occurrences. At approximately 8 am he began to dictate, I transcribing directly as I received.”
– Parsons in a letter to Crowley (late 1945)
On March 2, 1946, Hubbard, Parsons and Marjorie Cameron, the “scarlet women” engaged in sexual rites in the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge in South Orange California.
Hubbard, as scribe, intoned:
“Make a box of blackness at ten o’clock. Smear the vessel which contains flame with thine own blood. Destroy at the altar a thing of value. Remain in perfect silence and heed the voice of our Lady. Speak not of this ritual or of her coming to any person…”
“Display thyself to Our Lady; dedicate thy organs to Her, dedicate thy heart to Her, dedicate thy mind to Her, dedicate thy soul to Her, for She shall absorb thee, and thou shalt become living flame before She incarnates…”
– Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah
“The neighbors began protesting when the rituals called for a naked pregnant woman to jump nine times through fire in the yard.”
– L. Sprague de Camp (science-fiction author who knew both Hubbard and Parsons)
“Apparently Parsons or Hubbard or somebody is producing a Moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts.”
– Aleister Crowley, in a letter to the head of the OTO in the U.S.
“After the Babalon Working had been concluded, all that Parsons could do was watch and wait. He had been told that the Operation had succeeded, that conception had occurred, and that in due course the avatar or Daughter of Babalon would come to him, bearing a secret sign that Parsons alone would recognise, and which would prove her authenticity.Hubbard, though, had rather more mundane considerations on his mind, and several weeks later he and Betty absconded with a vast amount of Parsons’ money. This amounted to many thousands of dollars as an investment in Allied Enterprises, a fund set up by Parsons, Betty and Hubbard, and into which Parsons was pursuaded to sink most of his savings.”
– Michael Staley, “The Babalon Working”
“About J.W.P. – all that I can say is that I am sorry – I feel sure that he had fine ideas, but he was led astray firstly by Smith [former head of the Agapé Lodge of the O.T.O. in California], then he was robbed of his last penny by a confidence man named Hubbard.”
– Aleister Crowley, in a letter to Louis T. Culling (October 1946)
“Hubbard and Parsons finally had a falling out over a sailboat sales venture [Allied Enterprises] that ended in a court dispute between the two. In later years, Hubbard tried to distance himself from his embarrassing association with Parsons, who was founder of a government rocket project at the California Institute of Technology that later evolved into the famed Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Parsons died in 1952 when a chemical explosion ripped through his garage lab.”
“Hubbard insisted that he had been working undercover for Naval Intelligence to break up black magic in America and to investigate links between the occultists and prominent scientists at the Parsons’ mansion. Hubbard said the mission was so successful that the house was razed and the black-magic group was dispersed. But Parsons’ widow, Cameron, disputed Hubbard’s account in a brief interview with the Los Angeles Times.She said the two men ‘liked each other very much’ and ‘felt they were ushering in a force that was going to change things’.”
– “LRH, the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology”, St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 1990
“Hubbard continued the practice of Magick after leaving Parsons….The ‘Affirmations’ are voluminous. The introduction alone runs to thirty pages. They are in Ron Hubbard’s own hand. Only a tiny portion was read into the court record [during the Armstrong case], and the originals were held under court seal. In the ‘Affirmations’ Hubbard hypnotized himself to believe that all of humanity and all discarnate beings were bound to him in slavery. Mary Sue Hubbard’s attorney claimed these statements were part of Hubbard’s ‘research’.
“Also under court seal was a document with the tantalizing title ‘the Blood Ritual’. The title was Hubbard’s own. This document was apparently so sensitive that no part of it was read into the record. The Scientology lawyer asserted that the deity invoked in ‘The Blood Ritual’ is an Egyptian god of Love.Parson had mentioned Hubbard’s guardian angel, ‘The Empress’. Nibs Hubbard says his father also called his guardian angel Hathor, or Hathoor. Hathor is an Egyptian goddess, the daughter and mother of the great sun god Amon-Ra, the principal Egyptian deity. She was depicted as a winged and spotted cow feeding humanity; a goddess of Love and Beauty. But she had a second aspect, not always mentioned in texts on Egyptian mythology, that of the ‘avenging lioness’, Sekmet, a destructive force.
One authority has called her ‘the destroyer of man’. This is the ‘God of Love’ to whom ‘The Blood Ritual’ ceremony was dedicated. Since doing my research I have seen a copy of ‘The Blood Ritual’, and it is indeed addressed to Hathor. Nuit, Re, Mammon and Osiris are also invoked. The ceremony consisted of Ron and his then wife mingling their blood to become one.”
“Arthur Burks has left an account of a meeting with Hubbard before the Second War, where Hubbard said that his guardian angel, a ‘smiling woman’, protected him when he was flying gliders. One early Dianeticist asked Hubbard how he had managed to write Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health in three weeks. Hubbard said it was produced through automatic writing, dictated by an entity called the ‘Empress’. In Crowley’s Tarot, the Empress card represents, among other things, debauchery, and Crowley also associated the card with Hathor.
“To Crowley, Babalon was a manifestation of the Hindu goddess Shakti, who in one of her aspects is also called the ‘destroyer of man’. It seems that to Hubbard, Babalon, Hathor, and the Empress were synonymous, and he was trying to conjure his ‘Guardian Angel’ in the form of a servile homunculus to he could control the ‘destroyer of man’.
“There was also a correspondence between Diana and Isis to Crowley, and the Empress card represented not only Hathor, but Isis, in Crowley’s system. Diana is the patroness of witchcraft. Hubbard later called one of his daughters Diana, and the name of the first Sea Org yacht was changed from Enchanter to Diana.”
– Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky
Use of Magick in Scientology
“The whole and sole object of all true magickal training is to become free from every kind of limitation.”
– Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice
“Our whole activity tends to make an individual completely independent of any limitation.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture (December, 1952)
“Conventional religions, with their colorful mythologies analyzed in terms of the underlying philosophical principles, represent simply the primitive longing of man to feel ‘at one’ with the Universal harmony he perceives about him. ‘White’ magic, as advocated by primitive pagan and modern institutional religions, offers devotees the illusion of ‘re-inclusion’ in the Universal scheme of things through various ritualistic devotions and superstitions.
“The Black Magician, on the other hand, rejects both the desirability of union with the Universe and any self-deceptive antics designed to create such an illusion. He has considered the existence of the individual psyche – the ‘core you’ of your conscious intelligence – and has taken satisfaction from its existence as something unlike anything else in the Universe.The Black Magician desires this psyche to live, to experience, and to continue. He does not wish to die – or to lose his consciousness and identity in a larger, Universal consciousness [assuming that such exists]. He wants to be.”
— John Youril, “The Temple of Set FAQ”
Hubbard defines operating thetan, a spiritual being freed by Scientology practices as “an individual who could *operate* totally independently of his body whether he had one or didn’t have one. He’s now himself, he’s not dependent on the universe around him.”
– Scientology Technical Dictionary
“In the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures taped in 1952, Hubbard discusses occult magic of the middle ages, and recommends a current book – ‘it’s fascinating work in itself, and that’s work written by Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend.’ The book recommended was The Master Therion, (published in London in 1929) later re-released as Magick in Theory and Practise. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. asserts that during the time when the Philadelphia course was given his father would read Crowley’s works ‘in preparation for the next day’s lecture…’
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“…In these runes I are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: But one cometh after him . . . who shall discouer the key to it all?”
– Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law
“According to Ron Jr., his father considered himself to be the one ‘who came after’; that he was Crowley’s successor; that he had taken on the mantle of the ‘Great Beast’. He told him that Scientology actually began on December the Ist, 1947. This was the day Aleister Crowley died.”
– Brent Corydon, Messiah or Madman
“There are interesting similarities between Crowley’s writings and the teachings of Hubbard. Dianetics’ Time Track, in which every incident in a person’s life is chronologically recorded in full in the mind, is quite similar to Crowley’s Magical Memory. The Magical Memory is developed over time until ‘memories of childhood reawaken which were previously forgotten, and memories of previous incarnations are recalled as well’. Hubbard gives examples in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course of several people remembering lives earlier on earth, some up to a million years ago.The similarity between the Magical Memory and Time Track, then, is that they both can recall every past incident in a person’s life, they both can recall incidents from past lives, and they both must be developed by certain techniques in order to make use of them. Both Hubbard and Crowley consider it important to have the person recall his or her birth.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Having allowed the mind to return for some hundred times to the hour of birth, it should be encouraged to endeavour to penetrate beyond that period.”
– Aleister Crowley, Magick
“After twenty runs through birth, the patient experienced a recession of all somatics and ‘unconsciousness’ and aberrative content.” “Thus there was no inhibition about looking earlier than birth for what Dianetics had begun to call basic-basic.”
– L Ron Hubbard, Dianetics
“Both Hubbard and Crowley are avowedly anti-psychiatry.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Official psychoanalysis is therefore committed to upholding a fraud…Psychoanalysts have misinterpreted life, and announced the absurdity that every human being is essentially an anti-social, criminal, and insane animal.”
– Aleister Crowley, Magick“Hubbard considered that psychiatry controlled most of society and was struggling to create their own 1984 world. Hubbard and Crowley both posit the ability of the person to leave his or her body at times. Crowley states that the way to learn to leave your body is to mock up a body like your own in front of your physical body.
“Eventually you will learn to leave your physical body with your ‘astral body‘ and travel and view at will without physical restrictions. Hubbard teaches the same, and his method of “exteriorization” is to tell the person to ‘have preclear mock up own body’, which will send the person outside his body.”
“Both Crowley and Hubbard use an equilateral triangle pointing up in a circle as one of their group’s symbols. Both use Volume 0 instead of Volume 1 to begin enumerating their works. One could go on for quite some time listing the similarities between Crowley’s and Hubbard’s theories and writings, but for more the reader is encouraged to look for him or herself.”
“In Crowley’s Organization are several grade levels. To reach the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus ‘The Adept must prepare and publish a thesis setting forth His knowledge of the Universe, and his proposals for its welfare and progress. He will thus be known as the leader of a school of thought’ [Magick]. It is apparent that Hubbard has fulfilled this requirement.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
from Mystae Website
recovered through WayBackMachine Website
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
– Ephesians 6:12
“Basically, gnostics believe that we as humans are ‘outsiders’ to this material universe. Our immortal godlike souls were trapped here in a body by evil forces, and we are reincarnated continually, while our true spiritual identities are clouded from our memory. It is our task to discover the hidden knowledge, or gnosis, that will allow us to escape this evil material world of illusion and return to our rightful place. We keep reincarnating until we learn how to escape.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”“The world seems to be ‘the epitome of evil’. Because it is alien to their true nature, human beings must renounce it and flee from it in order to be able to return to their heavenly home. To achieve this aim they must possess Gnosis, be reborn in their true nature, and be baptized in the cup of knowledge into which the divine intellect has been poured.”
– Giovanni Filoramo, Gnosticism
“Salvation begins with a messenger from beyond bringing the necessary knowledge to mankind, but this knowledge is given only to those deemed worthy, and even then one must follow certain steps in order to arrive at the ultimate Truths. The individual must struggle to earn and then incorporate the secret knowledge needed to return to his rightful place. There is a need for someone to bring this gnosis or knowledge to mankind:”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“It follows that this divine reality cannot be known through the ordinary faculties of the mind. Illumination, revelation, the intervention of a celestial mediator is required. He descends from above to call the Gnostic, to rouse him from earthly sleep and drunkenness, to take him back to his divine homeland.”
– Giovanni Filoramo, Gnosticism
“While on this earth, man is plagued by many difficulties which lessen his real abilities and being. One problem to us all is that within each of our bodies is a plethora of spirits or souls, causing us harm.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“A hierarchy of demons, servile and ready, is continually at work in everyone’s body, transformed into a remorseless inferno in miniature.”
– Giovanni Filoramo, Gnosticism
“For many spirits dwell in it [the body] and do not permit it to be pure; each of them brings to fruition its own works, and they treat it abusively by means of unseemly desires. To me it seems that the heart suffers in much the same way as an inn: for it has holes and trenches dug in it and is often filled with filth by men who live there licentiously and have no regard for the place because it belongs to another.”
– Valentinus (300 AD)
“Human beings, so Hubbard said, are actually a collection of Thetans [spirits], a cluster of ‘Body Thetans’.”
– Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky
The supposed incident 75 million years ago in which thetans in this sector of the galaxy became clustered together is revealed in the confidential doctrine of OT III.
by the Religious Technology Center. |
“Another gnostic idea, that this is a world of illusion, is in about Scientology doctrine as well. Scientology teaches that this universe we live in is the MEST (matter, energy, space, time) universe that exists solely because the non-MEST beings known as thetans decided to agree to bind themselves to the rules and laws that we see operating here, such as gravity and the speed of light: ‘a Thetan may postulate a material or mental condition and subsequently consider that he cannot escape that condition, and succumb to the resulting illusion of entrapment within it.’
Theta beings (Hubbard’s name for the soul) lived here on earth by dwelling in a human body. Humans, that is, the living body, existed without the theta being before the thetans were trapped in this material universe. Theta beings are “trapped” into human bodies by trickery and forget their true nature.”
– Jeff Jacobsen, “The Hubbard is Bare”
“Consider that theta [spirit] in its native state is pure reason or at least pure potential reason. Consider that MEST in its native state is simply the chaotic physical universe, its chemicals and energies active in space and time.”
“The cycle of existence for theta consists of a disorganized and painful smash into MEST and then a withdrawal with a knowledge of some of the laws of MEST, to come back and smash into MEST again.”
“MEST could be considered to be under onslaught by theta. Theta could be considered to have as one of its missions, and its only mission where MEST is concerned, the conquest of the physical universe.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival
“Hubbard saw the individuals’ current state as a fall from grace, but the individual’s own grace, not that of God. He saw the Thetan as an all-capable individual, who has gradually restricted his powers, over ‘quadrillions’ of years, in part to have a ‘game’, and in part for fear of hurting others. He called this degeneration of the ‘dwindling spiral’. In Scientology counseling, the Preclear is directed back to incidents in his past existences which have shaped his way of thinking (and consequently his current circumstances).A better future is to be obtained by release from quadrillenia of long forgotten conditioning and guilt. Sociologists use the term ‘neo-gnosticism’ to describe such beliefs when they are allied to a supposed system of enlightenment (many of the original Christian gnostic sects spent their time learning the passwords which would give them entry to heaven after death).”
“In the mid-1970s while in Washington, DC, Hubbard inaugurated a secret project to find out all he could about the ‘Soldiers of Light’ and the ‘Soldiers of Darkness’. The notion that people are born either good or evil and engage in a cosmic spiritual war can be found in Zoroastrianism, and in the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Essenes, whence it found its way into certain Gnostic Christian sects. In the early 1950s Hubbard had talked about people being ‘players’, ‘pieces’ or ‘broken pieces’ in the ‘game’ of life. This concept is fundamental to Scientology. He later spoke of ‘Big Beings’ existing in a ratio of one to eighteen compared to ‘degraded Beings’.
Separately from this estimate, he said that Supressives make up two and a half percent of the population, and Potential Trouble Sources (PTSes) who are in their sway a further 17.5 percent. He categorized some people simply as ‘robots’, incapable of decision. In short, there are a small number of ‘players’, some Soldiers of Light, some Soldiers of Darkness. They are engaged in an eternal battle, using the ‘pieces’ and ‘broken pieces’ to achieve their ends.”
– Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky
“Hubbard undeniably had great talent; some would call it genius. He led an extremely active life, and met his goals except for one, emotional comfort – for which his wealth and power could only substitute. Dianetics/Scientology was to be his cure, but it didn’t work. He fell victim to the delusions he fostered in others, and it is known that, right up to his demise or shortly before, he audited himself, or was audited, on his pack of “creatures.”
– Robert Kaufman, “Scientology Auditing and Its Offshoots”
“I was advised by Richard Aznaran, Sinar Parman and Annie Breeder that Hubbard was an unhandled PTS III [psychotic] when he died. According to Sinar Parman, Hubbard was a psychopathic insane person screaming about BT’s [Body Thetans] and clusters at the top of his lungs.”
– Andre Tabayoyon (Tabayoyon was an ex-Marine Vietnam verteran who became a Scientologist for 21 years and knew Hubbard personally.)
- V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. (n.d. ). Liber Babalon Liber VI Publication in Class B An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch©. www.brotherblue.org. Retrieved 8 July 2010 from http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_scientology02.htm ↩