ALTER-IS, 1. a composite word meaning the action of altering or changing the reality of something. Is-ness means the way it is. When someone sees it differently he is doing an alter-is; in other words, is altering the way it is. This is taken from the Axioms. (LRH Def. Notes) 2. to introduce a change and therefore time and persistence in an as-is-ness to obtain persistency. An introduction of an alter-is is therefore the addition of a lie to the real which causes it to persist and not to blow or as-is. (HCOB 11 May 65)
ALTER-IS-NESS, 1. the consideration which introduces change, and therefore time and persistence into an as-is-ness to obtain persistency. (PXL, p. 154) 2. the effort to preserve something by altering its characteristics. (PXL, p. 53)
ALTER-IST, the control case, the person obsessively controlling things, and himself, is an alter-ist. He’s got to change, change. Well, he’s lost too much.Now he’s got to change everything but he’s not satisfied with anything. (PXL, p.54)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.