Scientology is described by its American founder, Lafayette Ron Hubbard, in advertisements, as “the world’s largest mental health organization”. According to the British press, a spokesman for the Scientology Foundation of New York recently defined it as a religious philosophy teaching “processes which bring about a heightened awareness and validation of self”.
A commission of inquiry established by the State of Victoria, Australia, concluded in 1965 that Scientology is, however, “the world’s largest organization of unqualified persons engaged in the practice of dangerous techniques which masquerade as mental therapy.” As a result of this finding, the legislature of Victoria adopted the Psychological Practices Act, which effectively terminated Scientology in that state.
Airgram: American Embassy London to Department of State re: British Moves Against Scientology (Partial) (August 24, 1968)
File/Ref. No.: 62-94080
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