——Original Message——-
From: Sue Moore
Date: 1/14/2009 1:32:36 PM
To: Maria Walicki
Cc: ejdimartino[at]comcast.net; marina v
Subject: OTC Minutes for distributionHello, OTC!
We had a lively meeting last night with the ED and PES in attendance, along with David Baritz from the IAS.
OTC attendees were: Sue Moore, Maria Walicki, Richard Walicki, Fred Kress, Pat Devlin, Antonio delaSerna and Joe McCusker. Shaan and Taylor Young were excused.
All others were unexcused absences, except for Garnet Palmer who has finished New OT VIII and will be home soon!!! Many Congratulations, Garnet!
Sue Moore announced that she has been given the OTC Chair hat, again, so effective immediately Sue is the Chair. Her job is to see that the OT Ambassador Program Targets from Int Management are achieved and the dones reported up the lines. If you don’t have a copy of the program targets, please let Sue or Maria Walicki know and they’ll be sent right out to you.
All members should re-read their Basic Member hat so that it’s understood that everyone is expected to have a post and to be producing on a project. There are a few members who live a distance away and it’s understood that Tues night meetings may be difficult but there are numerous ways to contribute and to assist the org in its expansion. We will hold meetings on weekends, occasionally, to make it possible for ALL of us to get together as a team and we would really like to have the entire team in attendance at these meetings. We’ll schedule them far enough ahead of time so that you can arrange your calendar accordingly.
We have a lot to get done but with each of us doing our share, it can, and is expected, to be swift expansion so that we get ourselves and our neighbors up the Bridge!
The current projects are Central Files, Joe McCusker I/C; Fundraising, Pat Devlin I/C; Recovery, Antonio dela Serna I/C and Bookselling, Richard Walicki I/C. Christine McCormick heads up call in.
There are various org board posts needing to be manned such as the Comm Exec Sec (org equivalent of HES); OES; Projects I/C and Div 6 Sec.
ALL of the projects need to be fully manned so if you’re not currently on a project, please contact Sue or Maria Walicki for help on that. We can get you hatted and drilled, if needed, to help you be stabily on post. Stats are reported each Monday night to Stats I/C, Maria Roosevelt.
Tomorrow night, 7:30 pm, is a fabulous seminar by Mr. Strubb which will help anyone achieve their goals. Sat night we are getting a briefing from the IAS on the major accomplishments being achieved and you will be so proud to be an IAS member!!
Jan. 31, is an Ideal Org Event, with a workshop on “Havingness” that everyone is invited to! You’ll learn a key secret that keeps us all from truly HAVING!!!
So, as this New Year kicks off, let’s all renew our commitment to helping LRH and take just a bit more responsibility for our zone of influence. There are many valuable reasons to help, not the least of which is that one expands as a being when more responsibility is taken.
Everyone is expected at the Tuesday meetings, 7 pm sharp. We’ll quickly review the stats and have announcements and then we’ll break down into our teams for coordination/production purposes. Attendance has fallen off over the last many months but we expect to change this and have a rockin’ attendance each and every week. The more theta we have, the more POWER we have!!! So, come and share your theta!
And, when an Org or OTC terminal sends you an email or leaves you a message, please apply the comm cycle and RESPOND to it. This keeps the comm flowing amongst the group members, which is vital to our success.
Have a wonderul 09 and let’s really put this area on its ear with an abundance of LRH tech into the hands of THOUSANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ML OTC Execs1
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