- Flag Executive Directive: The Way To Happiness: Property, Production, Design & Exploitation Program (1981)
- Interview: Four Corners interviews Tommy Davis (Parts 1 and 2) (2010)
- Lecture: Radiation (1956)
- Letter: From ABLE to ABLE Supporter (n.d.)
- Letter: To ABLE Supporter from ABLE (2001)
- Magazine article: ¡Hola! Welcome to the Neighborhood! (2008)
- Magazine article: A Turning Point In Our History (2004)
- Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)
- Magazine article: Narconon Arrowhead: Preparing for a Planetary Assault against Drugs (2001)
- Magazine article: Operation Drug-Free Earth (2008)
- Magazine article: Operation Drug-Free Earth (2011)
- Magazine article: The answer to planetary clearing (2004)
- News: Liberal MP stars in video promoting Scientology Controversial religion not a cult, Lee insists (2005)
- OCMB: The Way to Happiness – A Most Subversive Document (February 4, 1981)
- Research notes: Comparing the Narconon Curriculum with Scientology’s “Bridge to Total Freedom” (2019)
- Transcript: SNUD (Special Committee on Non-Medical Use of Drugs) Committee Meeting (2002)
- Web article: What is the purpose of the OT® Committee? (2008)